Yes, I am John Hol land.
There are several approaches available for treating alco-hol problems.
You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol. Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.
HOL is more expressive than first-order logic and enables a concise description of complex properties.
The training materials contains Hands on Labs (HOL), that are categorized by practical usage scenarios of the Geneva Framework.
这些培训材料包含了动手实验室(Hands on Labs, HOL),它按照Geneva框架的实际用途分类。
Vittorio provides details of what is included in the training kit and mentions the various scenarios and topics covered in the HOL.
Vittorio给出了培训包中包含的 细节内容,并介绍了HOL所涵盖的各种场景与主题。
The final simulation experiment shows that the new model can better the HOL block, and improve the performance of input-queued ATM switch dramatically.
Hardware implementation and VCS simulation results show that the flow control algorithm in this paper is not only simple but also avoid HOL blocking efficiently.