You should keep from doing anything rash.
I hope you will keep from doing anything rash.
Though you've got to get them to do homework, by helping too much, or even examining answers too carefully, you may keep them from doing it by themselves.
I like doing both, and in fact I need to do both at the same time to keep me from going crazy.
I like doing both and in fact I need to do both at the same time to keep me from going crazy.
So let's look at the second example, all right, I keep doing that — this piece of code from here to here gives me a way of now creating a hash table of size 256.
There are plenty of quick and easy ways to get good information that will help you keep learning from what you're doing and improving the process as you go along.
And he can keep Parker from doing in life what he does in his scripts.
However, you should never keep them from doing it.
Then, once you're up and running keep track of how you're doing, make necessary adjustments and learn from your mistakes.
You can also write a new one or adapt another open source project to fit the bill, but keep in mind that doing so takes cycles away from your actual project.
Don’t let the drive for perfection keep you from doing something great.
This fear takes away our choices and can keep us from doing the things we really want to do or need to do for ourselves.
Doing the things that best serve your career goals before you do anything else, he says, will keep you from frittering away precious time and energy on non-essentials.
If they let the Jews leave, what would keep everyone else from doing the same?
Whether it’s doing logic puzzles, memorizing lines from Shakespeare, or learning a new skill, keep your brain busy, if you don’t want it to rust away like a car in a junkyard.
不论是做逻辑难题,熟记莎士比亚的台词,或者学会一项新技能, 使你的大脑忙起来 ,如果你不想让它想废品堆里的轿车一样锈掉的话。
Whether it's doing logic puzzles, memorizing lines from Shakespeare, or learning a new skill, keep your brain busy, if you don't want it to rust away like a car in a junkyard.
Depression causes disordered thinking and judgment, and can keep you from functioning and doing simple everyday things.
Otis McDonald and his fellow plaintiffs in McDonald wanted to keep handguns for protection but were prohibited from doing so by ordinances in Chicago.
The best we can do is try our best, keep trying when the going gets hard, learn from the errors of our ways, and credit ourselves for doing what works out well.
What would keep you from doing that? What would keep you from coming home to God's love and forgiveness? The fear of rejection.
First, doing so lets you keep the logic of the application separate from your content, making it easier to maintain your applications going forward.
But when it comes to immigration they are doing exactly the opposite-trying their best to keep the world's best and brightest from darkening America's doors.
It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to use SOAP security and doing so would detract from my goal to keep things as simple as possible.
Faith can keep people from doing bad things.
Because if we're doing something very different from the rest of the organization, we have to make sure that we keep in sync with them so that we don't lose them, right?
Wall Street will not have to learn its lesson, and we are not doing anything to keep them from running our economy into the ground again.
On the advocacy level, all we have to do to win is to keep doing what we're doing, and to deal with the occasional counterattack from the forces of darkness.
What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organizations that keep doing things, people that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time.
Try to nap only if you feel exceptionally tired during the day. Doing so will keep you from developing a reliance on naps while still allowing you to get your needed rest.