Oh, no; girls, you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams.
We were in baby prams once, with our mothers pushing the prams;
The convention centre boasts nearly as many mothers with prams as heavy-metal-T-shirted, body-pierced teens.
And I don't notice anything except things that are slowing me down: prams that are in my way or people like my wife, trailing behind, whimpering, "Why can't we just stroll?
而且,除非什么东西使我慢下来,我心无旁骛——路上的手推车或者我妻子总会在我的身后表示不满: “为什么我们不能慢慢走?”
Hordes of shoppers, workers, skinny expat wives pushing babies in prams and chic executives scurry across the thoroughfares, threading across some of the most expensive real estate in the world.