I managed to get home without (further) mishap.
《牛津词典》The mishap occurred when the single-engine aircraft was caught by a gust of wind while hovering a few feet above the ground before landing.
There was a crack of fenders and the sound of paintwork being scraped, the kind of minor mishap that occurs on roads thousands of times every day.
There can't be any mishap.
《新英汉大辞典》With a little care you could have avoided the mishap.
《新英汉大辞典》Trains run on schedule without mishap.
It was the second mishap for the Falcon 9.
Tell your mother you have arrived here without mishap.
This mishap reminded me of a traffic accident I once experienced.
Not every mishap in life needs to become a struggle or argument. Let it go.
Should you wish to partake in this trend, here are the rules to avoid a mishap?
Those jokes from Adams about a mishap destroying the planet must have gotten to me.
There is also the risk that any new provocation, or mishap, could quickly get out of hand.
In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.
So, what should you do to move through your marathon training program without major mishap?
Shortly thereafter, the plane landed at a military base without further mishap or serious injury.
Ricky Miller, a 50-year-old veteran who lost a foot in a medical mishap, still struggles with pain.
So far, the only mishap the self-driving car has encountered was getting rear-ended ata traffic light.
So far, the only mishap the self-driving car has encountered was getting rear-ended at a traffic light.
"I just told him it's not a big deal," the team captain said revealing how he comforted Yan after the mishap.
When Church talks about mirror life's quirky advantages, invulnerability to this kind of mishap is high on his list.
Your claim, in our opinion, should be re- ferred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment.
我们认为,你们应该要求保险公司索 赔,因为损失发生在装船后。
Otherwise you’ll have to reinstall SharePoint to get those files back into working order if you have a nasty mishap.
否则,一旦你不幸进行了误操作,你必须重新安装Sharepoint才能够使这 些文件重新正常运行。
The mishap comes at an awkward time for Britain, where planners are eagerto build a new generation of nuclear plants.
It was an exact replay of the company’s 2009 mishap, when a nosecone failure doomed a $270 million carbon-observing satellite.
这次事故和2009年该公司发射的事故如出一辙。 当时由于火箭鼻锥罩故障,毁掉了一颗价值2.7亿美元的碳观测卫星。
We'll make sure that the packing is seaworthy, but we can't commit ourselves to being responsible for every kind of mishap.
Barring mishap, over the first few years of our lives we developed memory, language, self-concept, cognitive, social and emotional abilities.
But engineers are hoping that their pretesting—using compressed air to fire a ping-pong ball down the pipe, Gillies says—will prevent such a mishap.
但工程师们希望他们的预测试——使用压缩空气将乒乓球注入管道——也许可以避免此类事故, Giilies 认为。
错误, 坏
- misapplyv. 误用;滥用;错用;不当使用;误投
- mistaken. 错误;过失;(言语或行为上的)失误;(用词或数字等上的)口误;误解;差错;疏忽;失策;误判
- mistrustv. 不信任;猜疑;对…持怀疑态度;对…缺乏信心
- misconductn. 不端行为;不当行为;违规行为;失职;玩忽职守;处理不当;管理不善
- mismanagementn. 管理不善;处置失当
- misbehavev. 行为不端;行为不规范;出现故障;运行异常
- miscalculatev. 算错;误算;错误估计;估计失误;(对形势)判断错误;计算不准确
- misleadv. 误导;欺骗;引入歧途;导致误解;使误信;诱导错误;使迷惑;使持有错误观念;诱入歧途
- misfortunen. 不幸;厄运;灾难;不幸的事故;倒霉;逆境;灾祸;困境;悲剧
- misunderstandv. 误解;曲解;错误地解释;误解…的话
- misconceptionn. 误解;误会;错觉;错误认识
- misusev. 滥用;误用;错用;不当使用;对…使用不当;虐待
- misconstruev. 误解;误会;曲解;误读;误译
- misunderstandingn. 误解;误会;曲解;冲突;矛盾;分歧;不和;争执;意见不一
- misinformv. 误报;误传;提供错误信息;误导
- misrepresentv. 歪曲事实;误传;不实报道;曲解;歪曲真相;误导;给出假象;不忠实地代表
- misjudgev. 对(时间、距离等)判断错误;判断失误;对…作出错误评价;形成错误认识
- misplacev. 放错位置;错放;误放;暂时丢失;遗失;不当使用;错误投资
- misalignn. 不重合;位移
- misinterpretv. 误解;曲解;错误解释;错误理解;误诠;误读