Her gnawed right front leg became infected and her vet went to LSU for help.
Suhr coaches at LSU and Tapscott works for the Wizards, where Temple played since 2012.
But he never forgot that day and when he grew up after a short spell playing football at LSU he did become a hobo.
Even right now, my "4.0 Plaque" that I received from LSU is on my desk as a reminder to always give double the effort.
RAEBURN: they would come, they would call on LSU and they would say, is that lady there, you know, that lady that fools with those bones?
RAEBURN: they would come, they would call on LSU and they would say, is that lady there, you know, that lady that fools with those bones?
Hill's body was discovered by searchers about a quarter mile from where the former LSU star and a female friend were involved in the fatal accident.
Quail lines selected for high and low stress in Department of Poultry Science, LSU, USA were fingerprinted by RAPD analysis of genomic DNA to evaluate genetic polymorphism.
Robert Twilley and Guerry Holm of Louisiana State University (LSU) are investigating the degree to which two delta wetland characteristics may help mitigate oil contamination.
For example, if I remember that my friend sent an email with 'LSU tickets' in the subject line, I can type' subject: LSU 'to pull out all emails about the Louisiana university.
举个例子来说,如果我记得有个朋友曾经发给我一封标题中带有“LSU票”文字的邮件,就可以输入:“subject: LSU”,把所有关于路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana university)的邮件拉出来。