“The most temperate of the species is the Burmese python,” he said.
The correct order of beverages is starting with the most temperate …
However, generally speaking, April and May are the most temperate months.
Transpiration was found to be higher in the west end, where most temperate desert species were distributed.
"The most temperate of the species is the Burmese python," he said. "that's the one that really goes up both coasts and across the southern U.S."
Although not unique, the ALB's feeding habits are unusual. Most temperate cerambycids inhabit recently dead or dying wood, but the ALB commonly infests living, healthy, and weakened trees.
Native to the tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, blue marlins are among the most recognizable of all fish.
Aliens, if they exist, are most likely to live along the line between shadow and light, a temperate region known as the terminator, the scientists said.
Most possibly, instead of warm-water carbonates, the invasion of cool climate might lead the accumulation of temperate carbonates in the region around the turn.
Most of China is in the temperate zone.
As a most drought type in temperate steppe, the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia is a district with harshest natural condition, lowest productivity and weakest ecosystem in steppe districts.
Most animals try to do the best for their young, but burying beetles, in the genus Nicrophorus, which are found in temperate regions in Europe and North America, are truly doting parents.
Most of the country in the temperate zone, although geographically the country stretches from the tropical and subtropical zones in the south to the frigid zone in the north.
Are you to favor most……"Zhang Jiu temperate soft language, the voice is gradually cheap to descend."
Most plants in the temperate zone have relatively high content in phosphorus while the calcium content is relatively low. Some plants have an abundant collection of iron and manganese.
Zalong and Xianghai national nature protection zone in Song-Nen plain is most integrated wetland ecosystem in the mid temperate zone of China.
This species is distributed over the north temperate zone, and Guizhou is the most south boundary of its distributions.
Henan has a temperate continental climate, with most rainfall in summer.
New Zealanders are traditionally keenly interested in sports of all kinds and the temperate climate encourages most forms of outside recreation.
Pawnshop was one of the most important financial institutions in Chinese countryside, Compared with other credit, it's interest was lower, thus it belonged to temperate usury.
The reduction in forest area: in the past few hundred years, countries in temperate latitudes have lost most of the forest.
Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone.