I come to you, hat in hand, to apologize for the damage I had indirectly caused and to ask you to reconsider my lifetime ban from the hotel.
With business so bad, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat in hand and beg for more money.
Hat in hand, he stood still.
I don't come to you hat in hand.
He stood, hat in hand.
John Dennis was hat in hand to Mr Smith.
He stands there, pipe in mouth and hat in hand.
I paused — he stood before me, hat in hand, looking composed enough.
Geithner, hat in hand, looking for a bridge loan so AIG could complete some asset sales.
Hadn't I seen him approach white visitors too often with his hat in hand, bowing humbly and respectfully?
I wish I could stand on a busy street corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted time.
"To come hat in hand" is one thing that a proud, independent man with a feeling for his own personal value, will not do --- not if he can help it.
“手持帽子求人”,凡是自豪、能够自立、有自尊心的人都不会干这种事--除非他万不得已。 。
Beaufort stood, hat in hand, saying something which his companion seemed to negative; then they shookhands, and he jumped into his carriage while she mounted the steps.
Perhaps the most pressing pain of big software is its costs, felt all the more acutely when the budget is overrun multiple times and the CIO is sent hat in hand to beg for more funding.
UBS became the latest financial firm to go to Asia and the Middle East hat in hand, hoping to raise enough cash to patch the holes in its balance sheet caused by its holdings of subprime mortgages.
He twirled his hat in his hand.
《牛津词典》Tink agreed to travel by hat if it was carried in the hand.
He grudgingly obliged and held the hat in his hand all night.
He was donned in his Sunday garments, with his most sanctimonious and sourest face, and, holding his hat in one hand and his stick in the other, he proceeded to clean his shoes on the mat.
Properly speaking, he did not enter. He stood erect in the half-open door, his hat on his head and his left hand thrust into his coat, which was buttoned up to the chin.
Then he put on his hat, and ran up to the Professor's house with the rose in his hand.
Why more money would come from venture capitalists than Eduardo would ever raise with his hat-in-hand visits to wealthy New Yorkers.
Why do you carry a hat in each hand?