Pedicel erect, to 3 cm, terete, striate.
Boutonniere's pedicel may not be too long.
A supporting stalk, such as a peduncle or pedicel.
Lowest cauline leaf below middle of stem; pedicel longer.
The pedicel of nerve and vessel had multiple grade branches.
Pedicel ca. 13 cm at fruiting, only apically sparsely setose.
Table 5 Effect of shading on sugar content of cob and grain pedicel …
Implicit the first cystic inflorescence, was born the axil, no pedicel.
Sad sound as if they are all over the world, from pedicel fragrant petals wither.
The vascular system changed complexly from the top of the pedicel to the base of the locule.
Skeletonized ITA is as safe and effective as ITA with pedicel in coronary artery bypass grafting.
Objective To study the clinical result of treating firearm wound with the vessel pedicel tissue flap.
Objective: To study the morphological character of teres major muscle and its pedicel of vessel and nerve.
Raceme rachis and pedicels pubescent or puberulent ; bract and bracteole usually borne on distal 1/2 of pedicel.
Recently, the focus to resolve this problem was on the protection of the flap perforating branch artery pedicel.
Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commelina communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues.
Objective: to explore the anatomical basis for the reverse island flaps with the pedicel of dorsal digital artery.
Objective: To study the morphological characters of long head of triceps muscle and its pedicel of vessel and nerve.
Objective To explore the reconstruction of nasal defects through transposition of nasolabial groove flaps with pedicel.
The longan variety Shixia and the spring shoot, late autumn shoot and the pedicel were more serious injured by the pest.
Racemes 1-4, axillary from uppermost leaves, villous or hirsute with multicellular hairs; bracts broadly linear, longer than pedicel.
总状花序1 - 4,从最上部的叶,具长柔毛或具粗毛具多细胞毛腋生;苞片宽线形,长于花梗。
Conclusion Applying fascial fat flap with pedicel to wrap repaired tendon is useful on promoting tendon healing and preventing adhesion.
Objective: To study the correlations among average central corneal curvature, average diameter of the flap and the length of the pedicel.
Some pedicels of butterfly orchid were employed as explants to study the factors of the basic medium, 6-BA, variety, the node in pedicel etc.
实验以 蝴蝶兰花梗为外植体,采取组织培养的方法,设置多项平行处理,目的在于对影响腋芽诱导的基本培养基、6 BA、母株品种、花梗节位等因素进行研究。
Objective to explore the effect of pedicel stomach omentum on the prevention of stomach leaking and stricture of esophagogastric anastomosis.
The results shown that SO2 residue from high to low was pedicel, stem, skin, brush and flesh, before eating, dipping or opening in the air can decrease SO2 residue.
结果表明,葡萄不同部位SO2的残留量是不同的,残留量由大到小的顺序是果梗、穗轴、果刷、果皮、果肉。 食用之前浸水和裸放皆可降低果粒中SO2残留量。
Conclusions: (1) The length and caliber of the vessel pedicel of the thenar flap fit the demand ofmicrosugical anastomosis and can be applied in free transplantation.
Conclusion: According to the characters of long head of triceps muscle and pedicel of vessel and nerve, the muscle was suitable for reconstruction surgery of shoulder.
The results showed that each of the two ovaries consists of 12 polytrophic ovarioles, which can be differentiated into the terminal filament, a germarium, a vitellarium and a pedicel.
Objective To investigate the method and result to repair large skin defect associated with infection and exposure of tendon and bone by using free lengthened vascular pedicel skin flap.