The school does nothing for children of high ability.
High ability against mains fluctuation, wide application range.
The signal processing circuit has high ability to suppress noise interference.
It has a high ability to resist the common mode interface such as temperature influence.
The insulation of branched has high ability of withstanding water and covering little room.
The working state of all points in the PLL can be visibly displayed, with high ability in aid analyses.
High ability in resisting public power grid voltage wave ang power grid compensation, stable welding current.
Traditionally REF adopts a high resistance relay with very high ability for overcoming the imbalance current.
There was high ability to uptake phosphorus and tolerance phosphorus stress in the varieties with strong root system.
The results show that planting trees have a high ability of absorbability, which depends on air pollutants and plant species.
High salaries are reasonable, for the high ability of executives, as well as the economic environment and industry characteristics.
However, is it really true that high diploma equals to high ability or profound knowledge? Some people do not agree on this kind of idea.
Embedded processor with high ability is introduced into the AFIS, it not only reduces the price, but also improves the performance of the system.
Creating brand, practicing skills, adjusting product construction and training high ability people is the key which extends printing equipment ex-portion.
Although it cannot be judged from the academic grades whether a person is of high ability, it is at least a proof that one has a large scope of academic knowledge.
In the research of modern network, high ability server cluster has taken more and more important effect, and there are a large amount of files in the server cluster.
The variation coefficient of biomass ratio was higher in flower than in other organs, which showed that this weed had high ability to adjusting reproduction allocation.
How to improve the quality of the practice on metalworking and cultivate a mass of men with high ability is the task of the staff who are engaged in metalworking teaching.
Those with high ability know how the guests’ experience can be improved with careful preparations of tools, reflective conversations, and natural yet well-controlled body motions.
Ubiquitous radar is a new type of radar proposed recently, which can achieve simultaneous multi-function capability, flexible data rate and high ability in target recognition.
In other words, if they had been written off as starting out in life without the genetic advantages of high ability, their longer-term academic potential would have been wasted.
Simulated result demonstrates that this method is easily carried out with high precision, suits for all kinds of symmetrical window function and has high ability of anti-noise.
The variant cell lines still have high ability of accumulating free proline after cultivation on normal medium, which indicated the variant cell lines have steady salt tolerance.
Simulation result shows that this method is easily carried out with high precision, applicable for all kinds of symmetrical window function and having high ability of anti noise.
Due to the high biomass, high ability to accumulate cadmium and easiness for harvesting, tobacco has a great potential for application in phyto-remediation of cadmium polluted soils.
The high ability of optoelectronic tracking servo system to tracking and acquiring fast moving targets is required , along with the rapid enhancement of target speed and acceleration .
How to improve the quality of the practice on metalworking and cultivate a mass of talent with high ability are the tasks which many staff engaging in metalworking teaching are exploited.
Although most plants cannot survive in these soils, certain plants have the ability to tolerate high levels of these minerals.