Year after year, faster and faster, consumption outpaces the biological capacity of our planet.
The speed of rising prices always outpaces savings.
That outpaces a 30% increase in the general population for that age group.
In periods when educational progress outpaces this change, inequality Narrows.
The yearly number of new infections outpaces our ability to expand access to treatment.
The speed with which these drugs are being lost far outpaces the development of replacement drugs.
There is no doubt the rapid urbanization of Florida's coastline far outpaces the available GIS land use maps.
Resistance to mainstay antimicrobials is occurring at a rate that outpaces the development of replacement drugs.
This system outpaces current U. s. headlight regulations, which require a separate switch setting for high and low beams.
Our ability to accept and acknowledge changes in our revenue or earning potential outpaces our ability to be clear about costs.
The size of protection on the U. K. has roughly doubled since the year began, a move that far outpaces the run-up in Greek CDS last fall.
The unemployment rate for men, 11.4%, based on seasonally adjusted data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, outpaces the rate for women, 8.8%.
For instance, Brazil's northeast, long the source of internal migration to more-prosperous cities down south, now outpaces the rest of the country in growth.
While China has now moved into second place in overall app downloads, South Korea actually outpaces China and Japan in download volume on a per capita basis.
Perhaps this also explains why Germany, despite its catastrophic birth rate, has so much trouble with immigration, and yet vastly outpaces France with its technical and industrial capabilities.
Trace elements in groundwater exceed human health benchmarks at a rate that far outpaces most other groundwater contaminants, such as nitrate, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).