Sienna's Wild Kingdom-Sienna Hates coffee.
He was cool and Sienna Miller was nice too.
However, Sienna claims that she has another man in her life.
Looks are subjective, that's why Dawn French is married and Sienna Miller single.
White Grecian gowns appeared to be the order of the day as Sienna Miller proved in this elegant dress.
Sienna Brooks, and together they must race across Europe against the clock to foil a deadly global plot.
I'm sure everyone had a laugh over Sienna Miller's award, but Miller, even if she's model-gorgeous, has talent.
我相信每个人都会嘲笑西耶娜·米勒(Sienna Miller)的获奖,但是米勒虽然有着模特般的外形,还是有些才华的。
In 2009, Sarsgaard starred alongside Jon Foster and Sienna Miller in the drama the Mysteries of Pittsburgh.
I love the rock chick look, but with a casual edge, so my style ICONS are Kate Moss, the Olsen twins and Sienna Miller.
Or, if your workplace is more laid-back, try a patterned version, like Sienna Miller's, and add boots and a bright satchel.
The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors: ocher, umber, Mars yellow, sienna, viridian, ivory black, rose madder.
He lights a cigar and blows a perfect, heart-shaped smoke ring at Sienna, who LACES it with her slender arm as though it were a bracelet.
While most young girls take their inspiration from Kate Moss and Sienna Miller, the biggest influence on Kate's style has, until recently, been her mother, Carole.
当大部分女孩都从Kate Moss和Sienna Miller这些名模的身上找灵感的时候,凯特的风格更多的受到她的妈妈卡罗尔的影响。
Another thing putting designers off, is the fact that Posh does not have the same "cool" image as Sienna Miller or Kate Moss, because she is too easily influenced by stylists.
维多利亚遭设计师冷落的另一个原因是,她不 象名模西耶娜·米勒和凯特·摩斯那样“一酷到底”, 贝嫂太容易受设计师的影响而改变风格了。
The 20-year-old actress also put Victoria Beckham in the shade, with the singer-turned-fashion designer coming second, followed by Keira Knightley, Cheryl Cole and Sienna Miller.
With the help of Dr. Sienna Brooks and his knowledge of symbology, Langdon will try to regain his freedom and lost memories, all while solving the most intricate riddle he's ever faced.
Behind Moss was British actress Sienna Miller in second place, followed by US actresses Scarlett Johansson, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston in third, fourth and fifth places respectively.
It also emerged on Tuesday that actress Sienna Miller had obtained a court ruling ordering phone operator Vodafone to disclose data relating to other users - so-called third party disclosure.
Now the sun was on the hills with that extraordinary colour of burnt-sienna, and every tree and every bush was sparkling washed clean by last night's rain, and everything was bursting with joy.