The House bill has no similar tax.
The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid.
The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather than using Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.
We already have a House bill that's passed.
The Senate approved a compromise version of this House bill.
The House bill would require inspections every 6 to 12 months.
Most notably, the House bill did serous damage to conservation.
When the House bill passed in November, the vote was 220 to 215.
Republican House Speaker John Boehner called on the Senate to pass the House bill.
The CBO found that the House bill fails to reduce the pace of health-care spending growth.
Bob Werb, chairman of the Space Frontier Foundation, was blunt in his assessment of the House bill.
Their best hope is that the provision dies when the House bill is merged with one from the Senate.
He wants more support for nuclear power and fears the House bill will transfer wealth from the heartland.
The House bill would impose more stringent restrictions than the Senate on insurance coverage of abortion.
If this were not enough, the House bill creates regulatory loopholes big enough for bankers to drive their Jaguars through.
There was a vote this evening that moved the process forward in the Senate. We already have a House bill that's passed.
You can learn the regulation from FIATA and practice in releasing against Master Bill of Lading and House Bill of Lading.
The House bill differs from a similar Senate bill in that it does not provide a path for FDA approval of follow-on biologics.
But Paul Schlegel of the American Farm Bureau said news of the study had not changed his organization's unhappiness with the House bill.
但是美国农业局的Paul Schlegel则表示,关于这项研究的消息并不能改变众议院法案给农业局带来的不愉快。
"There are a lot of good features in the House bill, and, of course, there are others I believe the Senate will improve upon," Harkin said.
As to the second, the CBO reckons that the House bill would yield a net reduction in federal budget deficits of $109 billion between 2010 and 2019.
The House bill makes it clear that it does not want the systemic-risk regulator to rule on the amounts of pay, only the way incentives are structured.
The House bill contains a provision forbidding the use of federal subsidies for any abortion services, a restriction that goes beyond current law.
Another is that the House bill includes the "public option", an idea that appeared to die during the summer but which Mrs Pelosi has given fresh life to.
The Kerry-Boxer bill is more ambitious, requiring a 20% reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2020 over 2005, rather than the 17% proposed in the house bill.
但Kerry - Boxer议案更激进,它要求到2020年,温室气体排量降低20%,高于2005年下议院提议的17%。
We've still got to get the House bill and the Senate bill to match up before it gets sent to my desk, so we got a little more work to do over the next couple of days.
Women’s-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.
Women's-rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them (including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House) held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.