We do not ruin urban conservation areas.
As conservation areas become smaller, lions are increasingly coming into contact with human populations, which are expanding to the boundaries of these protected areas.
Nepstad praises recent efforts by Brazil to create conservation areas.
Wales and Scotland are expected to designate other Marine conservation areas later this year.
Li said he hopes to change that, and use the rediscovery of the animal to create conservation areas for the species.
But uncontrolled discharge is rampant all across the country and even in celebrated beauty spots and conservation areas.
Special water and soil conservation areas, water source, water quality, water quantity protected areas, and important reservoir water collecting areas shall be avoided.
Special water and soil conservation areas, water source, water quality, water quantity protected areas, and important reservoir water collecting areas shall be avoided.
Land cover map of classification was generated for major biological conservation areas in Yunnan province using MODIS data and decision tree joined maximum likelihood classifications.
Zoos save people trips to wilderness areas and thus contribute to wildlife conservation.
It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveler to become educated about the areas—both in terms of geographical conditions and cultural characteristics, and often provides money for conservation and benefits the development of the local areas.
Many farmers use good conservation practices, and the state’s rich topsoil in many areas is deep enough to last decades with moderate amounts of erosion.
Thirteen of them are nominated as special areas of conservation (SACs) for their important habitats, namely coral reefs, sandbanks and sea caves.
More use of conservation tillage can assure that available water reaches the plants in drought-prone, rainfed areas.
The scientists called for better conservation management in the unprotected, state-owned areas, where hunting and small-scale illegal mining is common.
Conservation International, an activist group, wants 25% of land and 15% of marine resources designated as protected areas, up from 13% and a mere 1%, respectively, today.
Cesar Sanchez of Mexico's Commission for Natural Protected Areas emphasizes on the conservation also as an economic imperative because of the wetlands' role as fish breeding grounds.
Under the agreement, Canada and China will work together in areas such as energy conservation and efficiency, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage and methane recovery and utilization.
Headwater acidification is still a significant problem for important salmon fisheries, and Special Areas of Conservation such as the Welsh River Wye.
Under the existing nature conservation policy, we protect terrestrial and Marine areas of conservation value through designating them as country parks, special areas, Marine parks or Marine reserve.
These hotspots are significant because they allow us to locate key areas for focusing efforts at conservation.
In other areas of Great Wall conservation, we are also making a start.
To implement the most stringent land conservation system, strictly control the total scale of construction land in urban and rural areas.
On a more positive note, some "promising recovery" by species' populations in temperate areas was found, partly due to greater conservation efforts and improvements in pollution and waste control.
The software developed in this paper has good openness and expansiveness and is able to satisfy the demand of building energy conservation design and assessment in different areas.