1 词典释义:
dark pattern
时间: 2024-11-19 14:41:08
英 [dɑːk ˈpætn]
美 [dɑːrk ˈpætərn]

n. 暗黑设计模式

  • The first step is to choose a suit that is a single dark color or a subtle dark pattern.


  • They might sleep in the day and work at night for example - which goes against the light-dark pattern.


  • The absence of X would mean there's some other oddity out there throwing off the calculations—perhaps an unexpected distribution pattern of the halo of dark matter thought to surround the Milky Way.


  • The returning light beams merge together at the beam splitter and create an interference pattern of light and dark regions where the light waves either cancel out or reinforce each other.


  • Behind the colorful somata in the foreground, a pattern of light and dark in the background suggests anatomical distinctions.


  • Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style you know, and the LIDS, if I remember rightly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it flowers?


  • She whacked the dark floral pattern on the velour curtain, and a lazy haze of dust spun in the sunlit window.


  • I remember desperately wanting to hold on to this pattern, trying to savor the wakefulness when everything outside was quiet and dark.


  • Later that year, I bought the futon, dark blue with an austere pattern of flowers and rushes.


  • Choose a dark blue with either a pinstripe or windowpane pattern. The pinstripe is more formal and can be worn for business or evenings out.

    在暗蓝色细条纹(pinstripe)或窗格花纹(windowpane pattern)中选择,细条纹更适合正式场合如商业事务或者晚间活动。

  • Sort of imitation wood, dark brown color, country-style you know, and the lids, if I remember rightly, they had a sort of leaf pattern, or was it flowers? M: That's strange.


  • Forming a paisley pattern, the dark volcanic rocks north of SP Crater result from lava flows. (This image has been rotated and north is at right.)


  • The pattern on a chessboard is formed by the contrast of dark and light.


  • If your sky is dark enough, you can see a little "asterism" or noticeable pattern of stars within Aquarius - marked in pink on our chart just to the left of the star Sadal Melik.

    如果居住地的星空够黑暗,便能看到一个小“星群”或水瓶座内几颗星星组成的图案,非常显眼。我们在星图上用粉色线条标注,位于左侧是Sadal Melik。

  • She has the dark color pattern.


  • The effect of the size of the central dark spot in Newtons ring pattern on measuring results has been analyzed, and a solution is given.


  • Highland Winter camouflage: 5-colour (tan, light green, medium brown, dark brown and black) in a "Flecktarn" pattern based on the German 5-colour Flekctarn camouflage.


  • Multiple dark field image can readily be used in revealing the relation between diffraction pattern and bright-and dark-field images.


  • Meerhog 505: The pattern on its body shines and intimidates its enemies. It has eyes that can see its surroundings even in the dark.


  • The dark lines that emerge look like ink lines, and for this reason these are referred to as ink pattern beads.


  • The dark Ones are now fragmented and no longer follow a recognized pattern of activities.


  • Mary's was a china-blue pattern on a white ground, and Laura's was dark red with little golden-brown dots on it.


  • This is the microscopic pattern of a small cell anaplastic (oat cell) carcinoma in which small dark blue cells with minimal cytoplasm are packed together in sheets.

