The banking middle business platform is a middleware to fulfill the function of the trade connect, is the core run platform of the middle business.
Then we introduce the system environment and run platform, the importance and difficulty when develop applications, bank server design and mobile client design.
To do so, I'll show you how to configure the master distribution, create an installation set for each platform, and then run the installation on each computer.
Regardless, if you build an OCAP application, it should run on any OCAP platform, either a real set-top box or a simulator like the OCAP RI.
不管怎样,如果您构建一个OCAP应用程序,它应该能够在任意ocap平台上运行,不管是真正的机顶盒还是像OCAP RI这样的模拟器。
Since both the services and the clients can be created using the same set of tools and run on the same platform, there does not need to be a lot of concern with respect to interoperability.
You can download and run this code to obtain personalized results for your platform.
WHO will run this platform in English.
You probably do not need to change the design that much if you want to run the application on a cloud computing platform.
The toolkit USES target definitions to provide a convenient method for you to specify the runtime environment, the build-time environment, and the set of components that can run on the platform.
The development platform is built, so old native applications won't run on it.
By making the application development and run time platform simple, things like high-availability and clustering are sacrificed.
The header contains information about the JLM tool, including what version of the tool was run, when that tool was built, and what platform the tool was run on.
I encourage you to run it on your platform and verify the results I'm presenting here.
Why would you want to run your code on a cloud platform instead of your own computers?
SOA applications run on a heavy middleware stack or a platform.
SOA 应用程序在重型中间件堆栈或平台上运行。
Developers have a lot to consider when selecting a new platform; let's run through some requirements that a modern, cloud-optimized 4gl should meet.
This reference implementation could run on any platform that supported the JDK 1.1, and it was vendor-neutral.
该参考实现可以在任何支持JDK 1.1的平台上运行,并且是与供应商无关的。
You can run the following script on a UNIX platform to enable this new DB2 9 functionality.
可以在UNIX平台上运行下面的脚本来启用DB 2 9的这个新功能。
The sale of music is managed by a proprietary platform run by Apple with the aim of preventing copyright infringement.
Please note the host name or IP address; you'll be asked to provide it when you run the platform configuration tool on the control machine to complete the platform configuration.
You can then run this on the cloud computing Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Click the Run button to launch the client platform.
It is a run time server platform for executing SOA applications; although WebSphere Process server is not required to execute an SOA application, it is quite helpful.
它是用于执行soa应用程序的运行时服务器平台;虽然执行soa应用程序并不需要WebSphere Process Server,但它非常有用。
Clicking the Run button launches the Lotus Sametime platform with the sample application as shown in figure 11.
单击Run按钮启动Lotus Sametime平台和示例应用程序,见图11。
She is using ODS to help modify the application and database so that they can also run on the Oracle platform.
她使用 ODS 帮助修改应用程序和数据库,从而让它们能够在 Oracle 平台上运行。
We'll use an example to demonstrate which portlets can be deployed and run on both platforms, and which ones run only on one platform.
我们将通过示例来演示哪些 Portlet 可以部署和运行在这两个平台上,以及哪些 Portlet 只能在一个平台上运行。
Android 3.0 is the first version of the platform designed to run on either single or multicore processor architectures.
Android 3.0是设计运行于单核或多核处理器架构平台的第一个版本。
"I would quite like to run it on a platform like Twitter so it's already part of the web fabric, rather than hosting it on our own site," he said.
A plug-in need not explicitly specify a custom Plugin class; if none is specified, the run time platform provides a default plug-in run time object that ignores all life cycle requests.