How can a particular proposition, or more briefly, a fact, affect its probability?
Now the one kind of Sign (that which bears to the proposition it supports the relation of particular to universal) may be illustrated thus.
In particular the original voodoo proposition - the claim that lower taxes mean higher revenue - is still very much there.
In particular, the original voodoo proposition - the claim that lower taxes mean higher revenue - is still very much there.
The second case, we reflect of a particular community, family or personal situation, to form a proposition, at the last to complete the work in a interactive way.
In particular, for the attack-defence game, the correlation proposition of the defender's equilibrium cost and the relation parameter is set up, and verified by the simulation.
The following sessions will be devoted to particular aspects of the value proposition, namely technological value, social value, urban design (place) value, and real estate financial value.
In particular the composition languages papers occupy a high share of the college entrance examination scores, the annual essay proposition is even more eye-focus.