The site isn't particularly eye catching at all, but as a proof of concept it's very interesting.
To help raise $150K for their Emergency Relief Fund they launched the eye catching and information packed microsite.
为筹集15万美元作为紧急救助基金,他们在 BeThereFirst.org微博发布了信息。
The new porcelain range includes a porcelain version of the best selling Cambridge and Sparta mug whilst also offering some eye catching shapes such as the Lancaster.
Her novels have just been reissued with eye-catching new covers.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》I can play around with the pictures in all sorts of ways to make them more eye-catching.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The eye-catching advertisements will trap us into buying things that we actually don't need.
Design doesn't necessarily include things like sculptures or decorative walkways, or even eye-catching window displays.
The most eye-catching idea of all is suggested by Professor Roger Angel of the University of Arizona.
Beware: these eye-catching anemones have venom in their tentacles, which they use to stun and capture their prey.
Since yellow is the most eye-catching color, it can catch people's attention, especially in heavy traffic.
For one thing, the market is full of eye-catching words such as "How to be an Industry's Expert in 5 Hours" and "15 Classes to Be a Master of Appreciating (欣赏) Classical Music", which sound like if you pay for it, you are sure to succeed.
But beware: these eye-catching anemones have venom in their tentacles, which they use to stun and capture their prey.
This is most often done horizontally but can feel more unique and eye-catching if done vertically.
But it's not pigments that create those eye-catching shades. It's microscopic structures on the insects' wings that reflect the light.
However, experts at the Microwave Association insist the sophisticated miniaturized technology does exist to turn the eye-catching gadget into a reality.
Let the soul and emotion in a time when the homeless are not eye-catching in this area rest stop.
Japan and the EU have set eye-catching headline goals.
My mother still thinks a good girl, an ideal daughter, should be simple and natural, meaning no makeup, no eye-catching outfits, in a word, nothing unconventional.
Remember that you should make the report as eye-catching as possible.
The next step is to combine all these visual and copy elements into an eye-catching, easy-to-read AD formatted to the dimensions stipulated by the publication.
Every designer spends a substantial amount of time and effort to make their design eye-catching by judiciously blending different shades of color.
However, most of the cash is for less eye-catching stuff.
Sitting at an outdoor coffee shop, Cheng is eye-catching in brown shorts and knee-high black stiletto boots.
These two compact cameras also feature less obvious technical advances that aren't quite as eye-catching as a built-in projector or dual LCD screens.
That affection is like a touch of green tea, refreshing eye-catching, fresh.
This ugly, vulgar, hard, hermetic, hardly eye-catching, hardly football style, yes it served the Dutch to unsettle Spain.
这丑陋、粗俗、难受、不可理喻、黯淡的风格不是足球所需要的。 是的,荷兰队用它给西班牙制造了麻烦。
Unlike Scolari, he will benefit from the energy of a fully fit Michael Essien and a focused Didier Drogba, with Yuri Zhirkov – recommended by Hiddink – a potentially eye-catching addition on the left.