My CCA is Infocomm Club and it is about computer skills.
我的课外活动是信息通信俱乐部, 是关于计算机技能的。
The results of CCA and DCA results are basically the same.
A typical example concerns depreciation or capital cost allowances (CCA).
一个典型的例子是折旧或资本成本减值准备(capital cost allowances, CCA)。
On the other hand, introduce CCA/DEA to evaluate obligors'credit risk.
另一方面,引入CCA/DEA 模型, 进行债务人信用风险评估。
Using a customized installation, you could specify to not install the DB2 CCA.
使用自定义安装时您可以指定不安装DB 2 CCA。
Conclusion MRI has an important diagnostic value in the patients with CCA.
Article 37 the enforcement rules of this Act shall be prescribed by the CCA.
Press the CCA is proved to be relative with recovery of pulsating exophthalmos.
Clear channel assessment, CCA, is available through an interrupt in receive mode.
The salty meadow community of Hutubi, Xinjiang was analyzed by DCA, CCA and DCCA.
The studies indicate that CCA and DCCA are applicable in florology and phytogeography.
Some benefits of the CCA activity can be determined in advance, whereas others will be uncertain.
This CCA USES only 17 multiplexers, whereas a classic conditional sum adder USES 28 multiplexers.
The thermal reliability of CCA is one important factor of established reliability to electronic equipment.
电子 设备整机可靠性的一个重要因素。
Then, the LDA transformation matrix is improved with CCA, which makes the reduction of dimensions adaptive.
Regulation of CCA to toner charge and results of machine test with polymerized toner were also investigated.
Under a development CCA, each participant receives a share of rights in the developed intangible(s) or tangible asset(s).
Article 17 the CCA may grant the rewards under Items 1 or 2 of Article 13 to sponsors of cultural and arts-related enterprises.
Ltd... in the second part of the paper the application of CCA, CCS, al Mg wires in coaxial cables and its advantages are described.
CCA is a contractual arrangement rather than necessarily a distinct juridical entity or fixed place of business of all the participants.
The competition will be held according to the newest "Mountain Bike Competition Rules" approved by the Chinese Cycling Association – CCA.
For Consumers, CCA can help you find a great cleaner near your home, work or school as well as provide helpful information about dry cleaning.
Coronary risk factors including ages, Hypertension, smoking and postprandial blood glucose were all associated with mean CCA-IMT significantly.
Conclusions This study demonstrated the feasibility of TVI in the characterization of wall motion patterns and in the assessment of CCA elasticity.
The present use, environmental safety of CCA-treated wood and reusing methods of deserted CCA-treated wood at home and abroad are briefly introduced.
Public outcry over the pricey prawn scam has prompted the China Consumers Association (CCA) to tell regulators to pull together to fight tourist rip-offs.
Public outcry over the pricey prawn scam has prompted the China Consumers' Association (CCA) to tell regulators to pull together to fight tourist rip-offs.
Please visit our "Consumers" section for helpful tips, valuable information or click on our "find a cleaner" icon to find the CCA member cleaners nearest you.