Summary: Iterating from a team perspective.
This is called "iterating through the problem."
这被称作“迭代遍历程序”(原文为iterating through the problem,译者注)。
Iterating, in this case, has major disadvantages.
The third facet is iterating through selected items.
Iterating from the core development team perspective.
Iterating through container is done in the following way.
Listing 8 shows an example of using an iterating WHILE-LOOP.
清单8展示了一个使用迭代WHILE - LOOP的例子。
This error is avoided in Update 28 by iterating over the customers
在 更新 28 中,通过循环遍历客户避免这个错误
Here's an example of iterating over the items of the dict_values object.
如下是在dict _ values对象的条目上进行迭代的例子。
Iteration requests come in while some threads are iterating the list.
Start by accessing the Suggestions nodes and iterating through each one.
While iterating through the cells, test their data types, as in Listing 7.
I confirm this by iterating over the vals variable, which returns a simple sum.
Then you draw the bar graphs seen in Figure 1, by iterating over the report data.
然后,您通过迭代报告数据,绘制 图 1 中的柱状图。
The sorting is performed by iterating through the tree's items (lines 37 to 39).
排序通过对树项目进行迭代(第37 - 39行)来执行。
It does this by simply iterating over the list of Suggestions created by the servlet.
When iterating over a Collection, the compiler generates the standard iterator-based idiom.
As you can see, iterating over a Map is just as natural as iterating over any other collection.
Previously this kind of extraction would require cursors iterating over sections of a string.
Listing 8 does just this, iterating over the items in the feed and creating an array for each.
An application iterating over such a modified stream would not need to know that it was manipulated.
Here is a simple means of iterating through the graph to print out portions of its associated data.
Table 2 summarizes the performance of iterating over a rope of length 10,690,488 using both approaches.
表 2 归纳了使用这两种方法在长度为 10,690,488 的 rope 上迭代的性能。
No table-wide locking is needed (or even possible) to provide thread-safety when iterating the collection.
在对 集合进行迭代时,不需要表范围的锁就能提供线程安全性。
You've learned how to traverse a document using QueryPath methods, CSS3 selectors, and iterating techniques.
While iterating over the events, you extract notation declarations from the DTD event and cache them by name.
Iterating a fixed number of times is another way you might have needed to use recursive templates with XSLT 1.0.
迭代固定的次数是XSLT 1.0中可能需要使用递归模板的另一种形式。
What it understands is scala.Iterable, which defines the basic behaviors for iterating across a collection.
它所了解的是scala . Iterable, scala . Iterable定义了在集合上进行迭代的基本行为。
Sometimes, this process is cyclical, iterating several times before a transaction is completed and archived.
The capability daemon checks for support of services by iterating through a specified set of protocol plugins.
iterate through