A study from Northwestern University shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability.
Deafness refers to the complete loss of hearing ability in one or two ears.
Cochlear implant is a new technology to restore hearing ability to totally deaf people.
The noise levels of 20 cabins and the hearing ability of 53 crewmen (106 ears)were measured.
You should try to find some nice platform in library, for listening or training your hearing ability.
The research revealed that touch sensitivity was highly heritable and connected closely with hearing ability.
Insist on listening to every day to develop their own machine the hearing ability and the reference appendix state.
The invention also provides a hearing aid and a method for carrying out electrophysiological measurement of the hearing ability of an individual.
Human auditory perceive not only includes the level, tone and timbre of sound, but also the sound location, which is called the spatial hearing ability.
According to Susanne Pfeifer, a hearing aid specialist, the change in attitude was due mainly to improvements in comprehension, resulting from the improvements in hearing ability.
Excessive noise, including working with noisy machinery, exposure to loud music or other loud noises, such as gunfire or explosions, can damage the inner ear and weaken hearing ability.
Wild animals in particular need to have excellent senses of smell, sight, hearing and even the ability to sense minute vibrations, because those senses help them survive.
野生动物特别需要卓越的感觉诸如嗅觉, 视觉,听觉甚至是感知极微小的震动的能力, 因为这种感觉使他们得以幸存。
Telepathy is the ability to communicate without the use of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste).
In fact, the brain has an astonishing ability to rebound from damage - even from something as devastating as the loss of sight or hearing.
Hearing impairment refers to both complete and partial loss of the ability to hear.
While hearing is a physical ability—actually one of our five senses—listening is a skill.
The primary difference between hearing and listening is that hearing is a physical ability, while listening is a cognitive action.
Supposedly, men lose their ability to hear high-pitched sounds and women lose hearing in the low end.
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I graduated from English specialty. Be provided with stronger ability of hearing, speaking, reading and writing. I could speak with purity American English. Smooth read English technique text file.
The ability of absolute hearing is essential for a music-major learner, but very few people are born with the ability, and the most of the music learners have to acquire it through special training.
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses.
His loss of hearing really hurt his ability to work.
Inner hearing is the core of music hearing and an indispensable ability of one who engages in music practice activities.
But the exact hearing and the perfect control of sounds is connected with sound man's ability to understand sounds and music, his good ear, hearing psychology and the cognition of sounds.
The doctor also reminded that Tim's speaking ability might also begin dropping because of hearing loss at such a young age.