1 词典释义:
Japanese currency
时间: 2025-02-04 12:56:58
英 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz ˈkʌrənsi]
美 [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz ˈkɜːrənsi]


  • To be sure, the Japanese currency could also lose steam, undermining the strong-yen experiment.


  • The yen shot higher across the board as nervous investors sought the safety of the Japanese currency.


  • The Japanese currency had risen sharply on Friday on talk of repatriation flows as the disaster unfolded.


  • This trade mainly involved yen (Japanese currency) because of low interest rate, many targeted at Australian or New Zealand dollar.


  • A rise in the Japanese currency reduces the value of exporters' profits overseas and makes Japanese goods pricier in foreign markets.


  • The yen continued to firm today in Asia defying Japanese authorities who are trying to stem the recent appreciation of the Japanese currency.


  • The yen advanced to an eight-month high against the dollar , fuelling fears that a stronger Japanese currency will hurt Japan’s exports and hamper its recovery.

    日元对美元汇率创八个月来新高。 令人恐慌的是,日本货币走强可能会影响日本的出口、阻碍其复苏。

  • The yen advanced to an eight-month high against the dollar, fuelling fears that a stronger Japanese currency will hurt Japan’s exports and hamper its recovery.

    日元兑美元汇率涨至八个月以来新高,这使人们感到恐慌。 因为日元升值会损害出口利益以及阻碍经济复苏。

  • The dollar hit a three-month high against the yen Thursday at 93.89 yen, and is now in positive territory against the Japanese currency for the year, up 0.9%.


  • But for the short term, and that's all that currency traders and safety hunters are looking at, those negatives are outweighed by the positives of the Japanese currency.


  • The Japanese currency featured rock-bottom interest rates put in place by the Bank of Japan, which has kept rates low in a long effort to re-energize the Japanese economy.

    日本的利率低到了不能再低的水平,日本央行(Bank of Japan)为使日本经济恢复活力,一直将利率维持在低水平。

  • The dollar dropped to fresh lows against the euro and fell below 100 yen during Asian trading Thursday, the weakest level for the greenback against the Japanese currency in 12 years.


  • Japanese manufacturers also have an unnatural price advantage in world competition because their currency, the yen, is undervalued.


  • A number of Japanese companies have improved efficiency in recent years, giving them more room to weather currency fluctuations.


  • The currency rose to a 15-year high against the dollar yesterday, prompting Japanese Finance minister Yoshihiko Noda yesterday to pledge "bold action if necessary."


  • Despite a notional commitment to floating rates, there have been several bouts of intervention; the latest came on August 4th, when the Japanese tried to drive down their currency.


  • The Japanese are so far the only rich country to intervene directly in the markets to weaken their currency.


  • In addition, retail investors' direct share of Japan's foreign-currency market may be 20-30%, whereas individuals' holdings of foreign currency exceed foreigners' holdings of Japanese securities.

    另外,个人投资者在日本外币市场可能直接拥有20 - 30%份额,尽管日本个人投资者持有的外币额超过国外投资者所拥有的日本证券的额度。

  • Korea benefited as its cheap currency versus the Japanese yen and the dollar alllowed Korean car makers and electronics companies to win a bigger share of the export market.

