MF-GEP algorithm was proposed to reduce the fitting space.
提出了移动拟合gep算法(MF - GEP),缩小了拟合空间。
This GEP method for GPS height fitting is feasible and virtual.
For example, the GEP has a number of key objects, as shown in Figure 1.
If the GEP has been customized, you will need to modify the query accordingly.
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Traditional Gene Expression Programming (GEP) is bare of discovering recursive functions.
Conclusion GEP and AMP have the therapeutic effect on vertigo induced by machinery rotation.
In practice, the improved GEP algorithm is applied to function mining and image registration problems.
Gene Expression Programming (GEP) algorithm solves the complicated formula mining problems with simple coding.
This paper introduces the basic structure and process of GEP, and expounds the application of GEP in real life.
Experiments showed that compared with traditional GEP, the new method is effective and improves the performance.
It was suggested to look for a new design thought which intercoordinate with environment and nature to improve the GEP.
A new mining method of credit evaluation model based on Gene Expression Programming (GEP), named GEP-CREDIT, was presented.
提出了一种基于基因表达式编程(GEP)的信用评估模型挖掘方法GEP - CREDIT。
A model for the generation expansion planning of power systems based on genetic algorithms (GEP GA) is presented in this paper.
The results of experiments show that GEGEP has better fitting and predicted precision, faster convergence speed than GP and GEP.
The comparison experiments show that the precision of the function model found by the GEP-IIMA is improved 14.9% than traditional method.
MFF optimizes the fitness function in GEP by special approach called probability correlation factor, which increases the precision by 27%.
This paper proposes a generation method of path coverage test based on Gene Expression Programming(GEP) algorithm, compiler technology and Virtual Machine(VM).
Since this is a service gateway pattern, any type of endpoint can be requested. Here is an example that represents the relationship between the key object types in the gep.
According 'to the context-free grammar model of GEP, the dissertation point out that Candida's GEP techniques cannot process context-free grammar with multiple none-terminals.
The applications show that the models set up by the new GEP algorithm are superior to the models set up by GP and simple GEP. The new algorithm has high-blooded forecasting accuracy.
On the basis of 422 basic formulae, GEP is adopted to explore the symptom-syndrome relational expression of TCM, completing initially the decision system of formulae symptom-syndrome.
The result of computation examples shows clearly that the global optimal solution can reliably be sought out in GEP GA, and at the same time some suboptimal solutions also can be provided.
Meanwhile, to solve optimal reduction quickly, GEP-ARRS implements dynamic population creation strategy to reduce gene length of GEP constantly in order to accelerate solution efficiency of GEP.
为了更快地求解出最优约简,GEP - ARRS算法利用动态种群生成策略,不断缩小GEP基因长度,加快GEP算法的求解速度。
Based on the gene expression programming (GEP) proposed by Feriera, from the viewpoint of methodology of automatic programming, this paper investigates the representation of program for program reuse.