You can't ride this horse. It scours.
She scours my statements. If you want nuts…
Bellick scours the mill area with a team of guards.
She scours Taobao daily for deals, promotions, and special products.
Too much too soon can easily cause all types of problems including scours.
But about 24 hours after his birth, Noah developed diarrhea, often called scours.
He not only refuses to leave, he scours the house for tasty morsels, spreading chaos as he goes.
Scrubs, scrapes and scours work tables, meat blocks and refrigerators; washes and driesutensils.
The Channel tides have a play of more than twenty feet, with corresponding scours along the beaches.
The daemon receives search terms and other parameters, scours one or more indices, and returns a result.
He constantly scours yard sales and flea markets for discarded objects that he transforms into playful works of art.
In some, a destructive fishing practice called bottom trawling, which scours life from the ocean floor, is permitted.
Scouting for fossils under the gaze of an Afar tribesman, an international team scours sediments near the Awash River, beyond the trees on the horizon.
在阿法(Afar)部落的牧人注视下,一个国际考古队在阿瓦什河(Awash River)附近的沉积物中寻找化石,前面是生长在地平线上的小树。
Network scours out 21st century a new world as tempest, and brings both opportunity and challenge for ideological education in institutions of higher education.
However, rather than only fetching and then flagging results, this pattern applies a filter step that scours the elements found and identifies the problematic ones.
The wind scours the sand from around the scruffy vegetation, dragging it into crescent shaped parabolic dunes that point in the direction of the prevailing westerly wind.
Using the power and elegance of Jython, you can maintain a script that scours your filesystem, searching for classes that match a certain pattern, and dynamically build a JUnit TestSuite class.
利用Jython的强大和优雅,可以维护一个定位文件系统、搜索匹配某种样式的类和动态编译JUnit testsuite类的脚本。
These are exactly the sort of qualities that Carlo Ancelotti is looking for as he scours the transfer market for two defenders – one an experienced stopper and another a young player of promise.