1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-11-24 15:02:52
英 [ɪnˈvəʊkə]


  • The output result is then sent back to the invoker.


  • The caching pattern was employed to store proxy and invoker objects for future use.


  • A corresponds to a single piece of information moving between the invoker and the service.


  • Complex data types are first converted into XML using JAXB and then passed to the service invoker.


  • This Element array is the output parameter set for the invoker and is returned to the Axis server.

    此 Element 数组是调用方的输出参数集,将返回到 Axis 服务器。

  • There will most likely also be some business entity passed between the service invoker and provider.


  • The sending server makes a remote invocation and places the identity for the invoker into the request.


  • On reflection, it would have been better if the proxy and invoker classes had been automatically generated.


  • Virtual methods have been added which extend the invoker when used in advanced instances. The new methods include.


  • JBoss comes with several out of the box actions such as the Object Invoker or the JMS router that we use here.


  • The Port Destination sends it to the bus Invoker module for the protocol being used (which is not exposed to users).

    端口目的地将其发送到正在使用的协议的总线 Invoker 模块(没有公开给用户)。

  • The Tuscany RuntimeWire invoker then receives the native message and finds the correct invocation chain to call.

    Tuscany RuntimeWire调用器随后接收本地消息并找到合适的调用链来执行调用。

  • The bus Invoker module sends the SOAP message to the Web service provider using the endpoint address in the WSDL file.


  • A sequence diagram consists of a sequence of method invocations among a group of method owners and an initial invoker.


  • The agent knows who the invoker of the agent is because the agent is running with the "Run as Web user" property activated.

    代理知道代理调用者是谁,这是因为它是在设置了“Run as Web user”属性的情况下运行的。

  • The caching of proxy and invoker objects supported efficient use of resources, along with pooling of threads in the executor.


  • Then the invoker got up and extinguished the light in the hall, so that no glimmer might come through the slit under the door.


  • Ed from service provider details with well-defined interfaces supported by explicit interfaces, and proxy and invoker objects.


  • The SAML token will contain the Distinguished Name (DN) of the original invoker and will be signed by the client domain gateway.


  • In addition, creating an outbound service automatically routes replies from the service invoker to the default reply destination.


  • Similarly, if an error occurs, the invoker of the procedure needs to decide whether to roll back the process to that point or not.


  • Notification events were communicated to observers with call-back explicit interfaces and their respective proxy and invoker objects.


  • Here the blue shadow is the local time for the Invoker component, and the red shadow is the local time for the InvokeeSync component.


  • A one-to-one relationship was established between proxy and invoker objects, with the explicit interface being the common association.


  • It also helped to ensure that proxy and invoker objects were not associated with particular remote implementations of explicit interfaces.


  • A partial "service Generator" was written that generated skeleton code for proxy, invoker, and service classes from an explicit interface.


  • The Stand-alone Reference invokes the component Invoker by the typical synchronous invocation, which is the same pattern as the example in Part 1.

    Stand - alone Reference通过典型的同步调用来调用组件Invoker,此模式与第1部分中的示例相同。

  • A similar lookup mechanism was established to enable the executor implementation to lookup invoker objects based on the interface being invoked.


  • When the invocation between Invoker and InvokeeSync is an asynchronous callback invocation, you get the breakdown view shown in Figures 17 and 18.


  • This method first tries to resolve the required proxy in a local cache (see above) and if it is found there immediately returns it back to the invoker.

