1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-28 18:33:34


  • Set fontinfo to 10 pt Arial (bold).

    将fontinfo设置为10 pt Arial (bold)。

  • To note, you don’t have to use Arial.


  • Arial and Georgia are used for headlines (52%).


  • Drag to add an 8 point size Arial font text block.


  • In fact, Arial is little more than a shameless impostor.


  • Use sans-serif fonts like Arial or Verdana to make the output more readable.

    使用诸如 Arial 或 Verdana 这样的 sans-serif 字体,以使输出更加容易阅读。

  • Also note that the font changes from Arial for the headers to Times for the game content.


  • [font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]The fourth character is Susan, a young black lawyer.


  • She suggests Arial Narrow for those packed resumes that aren't quite ready for a second page.

    他建议使用Arial Narrow适合于那些拥挤的简历,没有第二页的简历。

  • [font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]Russia hasmade perfunctory attempts to justify the invasion.

    [font=verdana,geneva,arial,sans serif]俄罗斯例行公事的试图证明其入侵是合法的。

  • The upshot was that those reading the Arial font got the answers right 72.8% of the time, on average.


  • [font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]This newRussian imperialism is bad news for all its neighbours.


  • Tip: if you are putting text on your design, use a bold sans-serif font for readability, such as Arial bold.

    提示:如果你把文字放在你的设计中,使用一个粗体的无衬线字体的更有利于可读性,如arial Bold。

  • Why not take risks, if [font=Arial]you know that central banks will intervene only in falling, not rising, markets?


  • Why should independent voters, who have often backed Mr McCain in the past, turn to the less proven man?[font=Arial]


  • It's not to ditch all those beautiful images you've created, or to stick with Arial for the title of every page you write.


  • Arial word morphological features and its ethos are invisible among the affected generation after generation of Chinese people.


  • For America's sake (and the world's), that bar should now be raised—or all kinds of brutal disappointment could follow.[font=Arial]


  • Controlling clients want to know why you took a whole two hours to return their phone or why you chose Helvetica instead of Arial font.


  • Programs like Microsoft Outlook default to Arial, but a thinner-lined typeface such as Century Gothic requires less toner or ink to form its characters.

    Microsoft Outlook之类的程序默认的字体是Arial,但是像Century Gothic类线条较细的字体形成字符只需要较少的色粉或墨水。

  • Of course, Windows 3.1 was a big hit. Thus, Arial is now everywhere, a side effect of Windows' success, born out of the desire to avoid paying license fees.

    当然,Windows 3.1大为成功,而这一成功带来了副作用:arial,这种为了逃避授权费用而产生的字体,因此流行起来。

  • Also, it is a good idea to use sans-serif fonts like Arial (rather than serif fonts like Times Roman) on slides since they are easier on the eyes on a screen.

    此外,在幻灯片上用像Arial那样的无衬线字体(优于像Times Roman那样的衬线字体)也是个好方法,在屏幕上它们更容易被眼睛识别。

  • In the Windows operating system, Microsoft provides the Arial Unicode MS font, which enables the display of characters in most languages including double-byte languages.

    在Windows操作系统中,Microsoft提供了Arial Unicode MS字体,支持多数语言中的字符显示,其中包括双字节语言。

  • For example, if a source document contains an Arial font with Turkish character set, then the OutsideIn convertor searches for the same font and character set combination.


  • The upshot was that those reading the Arial font got the answers right 72.8% of the time, on average. Those forced to read the more difficult fonts answered correctly 86.5% of the time.


  • Tesco[font=Arial], [font=Arial]Britain[font=Arial]'s biggest retailer, has also announced plans to apply carbon labels across its product range and many other firms plan to do the same.


  • [font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]Yet the hardtruth, for Georgians and others, is that pleas for military backingfrom the West in any confrontation with Russia are unlikely to beheeded.


  • The latest is voice risk analysis (VRA), which, among others, Harrow Council in London is testing [font=Arial]as a way of identifying fraudulent claims for social-security benefits[font=Arial].

    声音危险性分析(VRA)是最近的技术发明。 和其他此类发明一样,[font=Arial]伦敦的Harrow 理事会正在测试一种对社会安全有利的测试说谎的方法[font=Arial]。
