1 词典释义:
a farewell to arms
时间: 2025-03-03 10:03:46


  • Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway wouldn't have written his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.


  • Guide a Farewell to Arms Hemingway.


  • The book is called "A Farewell to Arms."


  • All "about" the name: a Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway.


  • The most popular ones are The Sun Also Rises and a Farewell to Arms.


  • A Farewell to Arms has caused a strong reaction since its publication.


  • I was reading "a Farewell to Arms" one night when my father came into my bedroom.


  • Readers are expected to get a glimpse of the permanent artistic charm of a Farewell to Arms.


  • His a Farewell to Arms is considered as a great genuine masterpiece among its contemporaries.


  • "A farewell to arms" the novel reflects the "lost generation" of the youth ideological characteristics.


  • At the centenary of Heminway's birth I read again one of Hemingway's important works, A Farewell to Arms .


  • How can TEMPEST or MISSILE COMMAND compare with Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, Michelangelo's Pieta, or Hemingway's a Farewell To Arms?


  • In this sense, "the Sun Also Rises" and "a Farewell to Arms" line, Ernest Hemingway embodies the sense of the continuity of the tragedy.

    这样,“太阳并且升起”,并且“对胳膊的告别”排行,Ernest Hemingway实现悲剧的连续性的感觉。

  • Catherine Barkley is the heroine of Hemingway s novel a Farewell to Arms, who always arouses literary critics controversial opinions on her.


  • Sandra had a little slump in 1996 with Two If by Sea. As well she chose other bad roles in movies like in Love and War and a Farewell to Arms.


  • For a long time, the critical circles have always had a dispute about the image of Catherine, the heroine in Hemingway's anti-war novel "a Farewell to Arms".


  • Part One is a brief introduction to the author, the novel, a comparatively exhaustive critical response to A Farewell to Arms, and the purposes of this study.

    第一部分简要介绍了作家,小说, 对《永别了, 武器》的研究现状和批评反应进行了相对彻底的回顾, 并阐述了本研究的主要目的。

  • Puts forward that By establishing his philosophy in a Farewell to Arms, Hemingway paved the way for his searching for a meaningful and graceful way of life in his middle and later works.


  • Farewell to Arms is one of the serials of Ernest Hemingway's war novels and it contains a strong sense of tragic awareness.


  • Farewell to Arms follows a realistic principle.


  • "A" Farewell to Arms book which contains a summary of 69 page chapter, the icon of Quotations.

