This incredible dog can do Parkour!
A characteristic of parkour is efficiency.
What is Parkour?
Parkour requires no specific 9 accessory for its practice.
Wasn't District 13, that French parkour movie, really awesome?
法国的跑酷电影《13区》(District 13)不是令人赞叹么?
The term freerunning is sometimes used interchangeably with parkour.
Exquisite picture of the game, the scene changes, with the fast pace of parkour, enough to let you indulge.
Now this abandoned place is often visited by local tramps, fat rats, parkour lovers and peaceful photographers.
The object of parkour is to get from one place to another using only the human body and the objects in the environment.
Parkour is a human instinct reaction, this ingrained instinct is sports, is a kind of need real warrior spirit of sports.
This commercialization is at odds with the idea of parkour as being a discipline of great simplicity, elegance, and subtlety.
Unlike skateboarding (which parkour resembles in some ways), the only equipment required for parkour is a good pair of shoes.
Parkour is a challenging and demanding discipline, therefore learning Parkour must always be approached with sensibility and caution.
RUN is a fast-paced, action/thriller, which centers on a street smart, 17-year-old named Daniel who practices Parkour and is both hero and thief.
This movie is a very unusual product - a French science fiction action movie involving le parkour which has received wide international distribution.
The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails.
Parkour combines elements of running, gymnastics, dance, and martial arts into a breathtaking-and sometimes dangerous-way of moving from place to place (typically in an urban setting).
The obstacles can be anything in ones environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails.
The current work ADAPTS parkour as the main theme, utilizes the synthesis of 2d hand-drawn contours and realistic scenes, to put on a show of the sports rules of parkour and display its unique beauty.