Jack is a Rockstar.
I'm currently employed full-time at Rockstar Games as a software engineer.
现在我是Rockstar Games的全职软件工程师。
Most importantly, rockstar engineers believe in simplicity and common sense.
Nothing makes me feel more like a rockstar then some rocked out skull designs.
In May, Thomas will hold the first annual Diabetic Rockstar Festival in the Caribbean.
It is that feeling of excitement and accomplishment that makes rockstar engineers love to code.
Rockstar programmers understand what they are doing far, far better than average or mediocre programmers.
Together with the Diamonds band he presents a Rockstar Show - world famous rock classic and his own songs.
Some players reported problems with the game. Rockstar released a software patch to deal with those problems.
His design team was "rockstar," his architects were "topnotch," and their ability to work together was their most important attribute.
You are a rockstar and life is your stage. While being a rockstar is fun, you might want to consider trying to get more sleep in general.
And the algorithms are just as important - from binary search to different sorts to graph traversals, a rockstar engineer must know and internalize the basics.
A rockstar engineer will focus on three essential kinds of reuse. First of all, the reuse of internal infrastructure, the code that he and his peers have written.
The league has cheerleaders, American-style team names (the Deccan Chargers, the Kolkata Knight Riders) and pre-game shows, including “IPL Rockstar”, a singing competition.
联盟也有啦啦队,球队的名字起的很美国化,像是德干猛牛(Deccan Chargers)、加尔各答骑士(KolkataKnight Riders)等,比赛开始前还会举行表演,并推出了“IPL摇滚明星”这一唱歌选秀节目。