Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.
Aesop's Fables are satires.
Siege in modern literature history is a unique style of satires.
The subjects range from takeoffs on Tarot cards to satires of literary styles.
In the satires Heart of a Dog and the Fatal Eggs, the talent of the satirist in the fields of thoughts and artistry has gradually come to maturity.
Drayton:English poet who produced a wide range of works, including sonnets, dramas, satires, and eclogues, such as those in Idea, The Shepherd's Garland (1593).
Search engines that filter out combinations of provocative keywords still cannot detect metaphors, allegories, subtle allusions, satires, and even unusual turns of phrase.
At the same time, A Collection of Slander was one of the most characteristic works in the arts which gave an impetus to the maturity of satires with profound theme, flexible forms and short length.