Eris suffers from the same problem.
If Pluto was a planet, Eris obviously was too.
It is not alone - recent additions include Makemake, Haumea and Eris.
Scientists also have to explain why Eris is so blindingly bright.
Officially named 2003 UB313, the object was later designated as Eris.
正式命名为2003 UB313的这个天体后来被称为厄里斯。
Should Eris, and many other objects circling the sun beyond Neptune's orbit?
Understandably enough, nobody liked Eris as she was always causing trouble.
You need to know the location of the star and the orbit of Eris very, very precisely.
Pluto may be a few tens of kilometers smaller than Eris, or a few tens of kilometers bigger.
All of the gods attended except Eris, the goddess of discord, and the daughter of Zeus and Hera.
The one hope Pluto fans had for revenge was that it was very tough to pin down Eris' size exactly.
At a wedding party Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple bearing the words "For the fairest!"
The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move.
发现厄里斯的科学家——加州理工学院的天文学家Mike Brown认为,冥王星的降级是正确的。
Into the banquet hall at Peleus' and Thetis' wedding, Eris threw a golden apple, marked "For the Fairest".
Eris was thought to be bigger than Pluto until Nov. 6, when astronomers got a chance to recalculate Eris' size.
Pluto was still a planet, and so were Eris and even Ceres, which had been thought of as the largest asteroid.
Pluto, Eris and the many other Kuiper Belt objects are far too different to be lumped in with the eight official planets, he said.
Eris slipped into the hall after the couple left and rolled on the floor a golden apple , having the words, "For the fairest".
Eris is about 9 billion miles (15 billion kilometers) from the sun at its farthest orbital point, making it about twice as distant as Pluto.
This apple was thrown into a banquet13 on Mount Olympus by Eris, the goddess of strife14, who was jealous that she had not been invited.
What does matter a lot is Eris' surprisingly large mass, which means it has considerably more rock underneath its icy surface than Pluto.
On this date in 2005, astronomers announced the discovery of Eris, a heavenly body slightly larger than Pluto, and called it the 10th planet.
By some truncations and deletions of ERIS being constructed, it is confirmed that the transmembrane domain was required for oligomer formation.
If Pluto's looking for someone - or something - to blame for being drummed out of the planetary corps back in 2006, it need look no further than Eris.
The answer, the scientists suspect: when Eris comes closer to the sun in its highly elongated orbit, surface ice warms up to form a temporary atmosphere.
Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
So Pluto should be a planet, as should Eris and the dwarf planet Ceres (the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), as well as many other objects.
Pluto was demoted to a newly created category, "dwarf planet," in 2006, partly because of the discovery a year earlier of Eris, another icy body from Pluto's neighborhood.
In the fray his sons attend him-terror trembling panic and fear-also his sister Eris or discord the mother of strife his daughter enyo ruiner of cities and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.