How can a clam cram in a cran cream can?
Gossip girl's hardly a war buff, but I did cran.
Looking back, Cran remembers the early 50s as "a happy time, but rather dull."
R doesn't really have an API (CRAN it's a mess...) but people just dump their code somewhere and (hopefully) add a manual how to use it.
It is suggested that a practical measurement shall be conducted again so as to further check the strength and displacement of this cran...
William Cran, an award-winning documentary film-maker, was born in Australia in 1946 and came to this country as a small boy on the SS Otranto.
As one of the Observer's interviewees (William Cran) observed, when we spoke about the impact of the credit crunch: "it feels as though I am getting back to normal."
The said method can be applied to design calculation of practical engineering structures such as super large bridge crane, track laying machine, bridge erecting machine, gantry cran…