Roughen the surface before applying the paint.
By sanding the split leather surface to roughen it up.
You'd better roughen the surface before applying the paint.
Before painting the wood, roughen the surface with sandpaper.
油漆木器前, 先用砂低把表面磨毛糙。
You will then need to roughen the surfaces to prepare them to hold the materials.
Then, it removes dead surface skin that can dry, roughen and dull your complexion.
If maximum recoat interval is exceeded, roughen the film surface to ensure the adhesion between layers.
These ingredients can cause bleeding under the nails, discolouration and can roughen the smooth texture of the nails.
A mini-sized sand-blasting gun of ejection-and absorption type, used to clean and roughen the metallic surfaces for thermal spraying.
Its synchronous construction process includes milling and planing the concrete bridge surface to roughen, cleaning and blasting with special apparatus;
施工方法,采用专用设备对混 凝土桥面板表面浮浆进行铣刨、拉毛或凿毛、清扫、吹净处理;
The results show that the two-step method can effectively remove Co on the cemented carbide substrates and obviously roughen the surface of the cemented carbide substrate.
Inferior smooth, wooden furniture, such as stainless steel workpiece surface, the surface of the ground glass decorative pattern design, and roughen the processing on the surface of the fabric.