A Spanish courtesy title for a girl or unmarried woman.
If a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, he is required by law to keep his promise.
It used to be said in Japan that an unmarried woman was like Christmas cake: no good after 25.
A young, unmarried woman may be totally unprepared, unfit, or unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood.
"Miss Zhou looks fashionable today." One of the men said. Well, it's fashion enough to call an unmarried woman "miss".
The shapes that form in the water are examined and interpreted by an unmarried woman who is looking for clues to her future husband's profession.
As an unmarried woman, Kate has never been invited to the family Christmas, and her parents won't be presented to the queen until the wedding reception.
In Hoi an and female contact, we found that the shorter clothes, the unmarried woman's waist ribbon and silver belt of the married woman, the more clearly exposed.
The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please [her] husband.
没有出嫁的,是为主的事挂虑,要身体灵魂都圣洁。 已经出嫁的,是为世上的事挂虑,想要怎样叫丈夫喜悦。
One young woman described an unmarried colleague who wears a wedding ring to seem more mature and less available to the men she works with.
And now Mr Abbott's frustrated colleagues seem to be trying the "gender card" : highlighting Ms Gillard's status as an unmarried, childless woman (and an atheist, to boot).
The word wife predates an association with being married or unmarried and in our earliest records just meant “woman.”
She had remained unmarried for Professor Dai, Siyu thought now, and she would, with her blessing, become a married woman.
The society always makes the standard for a woman, they believe that married women are happy while unmarried not.
Siemens is the only one ofthe top 30 German companies with a woman on its eight-person management board:Barbara Kux, 55, who is unmarried and childless.
西门子公司的八名董事会成员中有一名女性,这在德国排名前30位的公司里仅此一家。 而这名唯一的女董事:杜裴然(Barbara Kux)现年55岁,尚未结婚,也没有孩子。
If a woman is unmarried, she can call herself Miss or Ms.
SHANGHAI - If you're a "single dog," a "bare branch," a "leftover man" or a "leftover woman" - all monikers for unmarried Chinese - you may find Valentine's Day particularly trying.
She is unmarried, so she should not look or dress up like a woman.
Earlier this year, ninth in Nanchang received a low-grade fever hospital not to reclaim the woman, aged only 30 years old, unmarried, have steady jobs.
After analyzing the text thoroughly this paper comes to the conclusion that because the poem expresses the female's love, Yiren is a male whom the unmarried young woman loses.