Whoever manages to collect all the pucks wins.
Back at McKinley, the glee club seeks new recruits (including Pucks half brother) at auditions.
Their proposal is to surround each light aircraft with two concentric, vertical cylinders of airspace that resemble virtual “hockey pucks”.
Two glass stairways, fixed with metal "pucks" to create the appearance of floating treads, are located at either end of the store and lead to the upper level.
Broffman integrated a layered lighting plan that includes period pendants, recessed cans, task directionals, under-cabinet pucks and tabletop and floor lamps, all of which are on dimmers.
It follows an incompetent network executive's transformation of a show about a boarding-school headmaster, played by rotund Richard Griffiths, into Pucks!, starring LeBlanc as a hockey coach.
讲的是一个寄宿学校的不称职的网络长官的改变,该长官由又矮又胖的Richard Griffiths扮演,马特·勒布朗将“饰演”寄宿学校的曲棍球教练。