The Sandia prototype's solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters (215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg.
Solar collector plate fin surface coating of choice.
集 热 器 的翅片表面涂层选择。
A solar collector is one way to collect heat from the sun.
China are also starting mass using flat plate solar collector.
In a passive solar home, the whole house operates as a solar collector.
The new type solar collector heat plate with multi-pores was designed.
This paper presents the advantage and the characteristics of the evacuated tubular solar collector.
This is also why greenhouses work so well and stay warm year-round. A greenhouse or solar collector.
The material could either be used as a solar collector, or as a light-emitting diode, depending on the application.
The system consists of solar collector army, lithium-bromide absorption chiller, heat pump and control system.
The material could either be used as a solar collector, or as a light-emitting diode, depending on the application.
More than 100 years ago in France, a scientist used heat from a solar collector to make steam to drive a steam engine.
A solar collector consists of a network of pipes through which water (or in colder climates, antifreeze) is heated.
The house is also a big solar collector, a mechanism to bring light and heat into the house; like a giant sunflower.
A new kind of basic elements for solar collector and its complete performance test results are presented in this paper.
Finally, some problems in flat plate solar collector performance testing are discussed and some proposals are also given.
A theory is given for the thermal performance of a new solar collector array that combines reflecter and refracted light rays.
Tube arrays can be found in the area of heat exchanger, solar collector, electronic cooling and electrodes used in the plating bath.
Thermal characteristics of the gravel layer in the system heated by hot water natural circulation with solar collector were studied.
The operation mode with water tank in which the hot water flows through the solar collector first and then the buried coil is preferable.
The Sandia prototype's solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters (215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg, Stechel says.
In this paper the comparison between calculation and test results of the half hemispheric solar collector and flat plate solar collector is made.
Solar collectors can make hot water from sunlight. The rays of the sun heat water in a solar collector, and the hot water goes into a storage tank.
Researching on the configuration and unsteady state efficiency of the glass evacuated solar collector tube with an inserted heat pipe in this paper.
A predictive correction model for thermal characteristics of heat-pipe evacuated tubular solar collector was established based on BP neural network.
The measurement results show that the adsorption refrigeration system can be powered by evacuated tube solar collector with rational area effectively.
Abstract solar collector tilt Angle in solar water heater is very important. This paper describes solar water heater with adjustable Angle of solar collector.
Theoretical and experimental results of performance studies of flat plate solar collector with V-corrugated transparent insulator are presented in this paper.
The performance of the box-type solar collector was investigated experimentally, the cover of which is a high-vacuum plane glass plate with a middle narrow slot.