The Sky news TV station is largely run by ex -bbc news staffers.
Sky News has said that it will stage one with or without Mr Brown.
John Terry has been sacked as England captain, Sky News have reported.
"I lived in London for 15 years," he told Sky News in a recent interview.
Ms Spooner told Sky News: "I honestly didn't think it would happen again."
Taking Sky News downmarket or compromising its objectivity would damage a valuable brand.
The idea that Sky News will be turned into a Murdoch mouthpiece is scarcely more plausible.
"He is the leader of world football, he has to be a leader in anti-racism," he told Sky News.
This was not in the script, " the broadcaster and music historian Paul Gambaccini told Sky News.
这不在‘脚本上’,”广播和音乐历史学家保罗·甘巴奇尼(Paul Gambaccini)告诉星空电视的记者。
The Sky News reporter who shot the scenes on his mobile phone said he could not see a single policeman.
The newspaper carried out an investigation of the problem in conjunction with Sky News and Greenpeace.
"He was very excited about seeing his children and going on holiday to Corfu on Friday," she told Sky News.
"It wasn't like it was in just part of the stomach, " Lislevand told Sky News. "It filled up the wholespace.
里斯列凡德在接受《天空新闻》采访时表示: :“这些垃圾不是一部分存在鲸鱼的胃里,而是占满了胃里所有的空间。
"It wasn't like it was in just part of the stomach, " Lislevand told Sky News. "It filled up the whole space.
A greater danger is that News Corporation would be forced to drop Sky News as the price of taking over the company.
He may be offered a non-executive role on the board of BP's Russian joint venture, TNK-BP, Sky News reported yesterday.
昨天天空新闻网报道,他可能会在英国石油的俄罗斯合资企业秋明石油公司(TNK - BP)董事会担任非执行董事。
"James Murdoch clearly is the man who is ultimately responsible for News International in this country," he said to Sky News.
Uri Geller, the self-styled psychic and friend of Jackson, told Sky News: Stress is a killer, any doctor will tell you that.
Hilton Plettell was asked to visit Norfolk and Norwich University NHS Hospital to find out how long pregnant he was, Sky News reports.
Asked in a Sky News interview whether he had any objection to the decision to release Megrahi, Prescott said: "No, I don't have any objection."
"I lived in London for 15 years," he told Sky News in a recent interview. "I know every street in London. I know how decent the British people are."
The more-or-less openly-voiced fear that Mr Murdoch would turn Sky News into a British outpost of America's conservative Fox News Channel is also misplaced.
It may be the start of a new fashion season, but cheap clothes could be scarce with cotton prices reaching a 15-year high - as Sky News' Jane Dougall reports.
He told Sky News the setting up of the Gold command structure earlier in the evening - a response to major public order events - was a routine contingency plan.