It seemed politic to say nothing.
《牛津词典》Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》They were a very politic race.
Don't politic - use data.
When the fight begin, he think it politic to leave.
Gu Ge redeploy its sale is politic, not fathomless also.
This kind of link is politic, to Internet environment of home, it is feasible.
There is advantage to use the life education in Politic Subject in senior high school.
The US body politic is perfectly prepared to ignore the debt implications of its stimulus actions.
The proportion of advertisement old brand is at present large, it is the politic key of business.
Jefferson, says Mr Gore, was right: "Rousseau said the body politic is a moral being possessed of a will."
On the foundation that writes means to differ in understanding, we should transform when review period politic.
Its very existence represents a shift in the way news and information course through our overserved body politic.
In the eyes of all reformers such as Plato, the "body politic" could not operate without interference from the top.
Wang Mingyang. Administrative Law in France. Beijing: China University of Politic Science and Law Press, 667(1988).
Wang Mingyang. Administrative Law in France. Beijing: China University of Politic Science and Law Press, 343 (1988).
Additional, through using other and safe tool (be like group of politic), you can command every respect of desktop safety.
The fourth part: The politic thought and suggestion to overcome the tendency of pre-school education toward primary degree.
The carbonate-siliceous-politic rock type uranium deposit is one of the important economic types of uranium deposits in China.
When oneself need to examine, want a relevant politic setting to already enabled "to change" to did not configure "from" only can.
See Fang Shirong, A Course of Case in Administrative Litigation Law, China University of Politic Science and Law Press, 235(1999).
And, to say the truth, there is no conduct less politic than to enter into any confederacy with your friend's servants against into master.
This thesis discusses quality form about the librarian of Web Politic-Ideological Education in the university library from several aspects.
Pintner. Common Administrative Law in German . Translated by Zhu Lin, Beijing: China University of Politic Science and Law Press, 164 (1999).
Have of course, especially politic kind webpage game, itself still has very strong be able to bear or endure enjoy gender and aggregate power.
The value of limitation has the nature of duality, which discloses the role of meddler-body politic, which also pays attention to private rights.
The safety that is based on above is politic, can visit a database in order to prevent illegal user, restrict lawful user to operate after the attributive;
This paper tries to explore the two petitions and brings to light its inner relation with the awakening of compatriots' awareness of participating in government and politic...
body politic
n. 国家(指在一个政府领导下组成一个政治集团的人民)
- episodicadj. 由一系列独立部分组成的;断断续续的;偶尔发生的;分集连续播出的;连载的
- hyperbolicadj. 双曲线的;夸张的;言过其实的
- analgesicadj. 镇痛的
- iconicadj. 图像的;图像性的;以传统风格刻画得胜运动员的
- empiricaladj. 以观察为依据的;单凭经验的;经验主义的
- quixoticadj. 过于空想的;不切实际的
- pandemicadj. 在全国流行的;泛流行的
- ultrasonicadj. 超声的
- domesticadj. 家的;家庭的;国内的;家用的;喜爱家庭生活的;喜欢持家的;驯服的;被豢养的
- identicaladj. 完全相同的;一模一样的;恒等的;同卵的;相同的
- realisticadj. 现实的;实际可行的;注重实际的;现实主义的;写实的
- criticn. 批评者;评论家;批评家
- musicn. 音乐;乐符;乐谱符号;乐谱;歌声;曲谱;和谐悦耳的声音;乐器奏出的乐曲
- academicadj. 学术的;教育和学问的;学术的;不切实际的;纯理论的;大学的;学校的;学院的;偏重理论的;非技术教育的;不注重实践教育的
- impoliticadj. 轻率的;欠谨慎的;不明智的
- dynamicadj. 动态的;不断变化的;有活力的;生气勃勃的;力度变化的;相对;推动的;动力的
- mesicadj. 湿度适中的;中生的;介子的;介原子的
- pedanticadj. 过分注重细节的;卖弄学问的;迂腐的;学究式的
- rhetoricn. 修辞;修辞学;花言巧语;虚夸
- bombasticadj. 夸大的;辞藻华丽空洞的;浮夸的
- anthropogenicadj. 人类活动引起的
- cosmicadj. 宇宙的;无比巨大的;大得难以置信的
- ecstaticadj. 狂喜的;欣喜若狂的;出神的;入迷的;恍惚的
- endemicadj. 流行的;某地特有的;地方性的
- epidemicn. 流行;传播;流行病;蔓延;盛行;猖獗
- geocentricadj. 以地球为中心的;从地心出发测量的;从地心出发考虑的
- heroicadj. 英雄的;勇敢的;规模宏大的;夸张的;豪壮的;大于真人但不及其两倍大的
- sulfuricadj. 含硫的;含硫酸的
- hygienicadj. 卫生的;保健的
- plasticn. 塑料;信用卡
- neurobiologicaladj. 神经生物学的
- cataclysmicadj. 自然剧变的;天灾的;灾难性的;极不成功的
- basicadj. 基本的;基础的;碱的;含碱的;碱性的
- eccentricadj. 不合常规的;古怪的;怪僻的;偏心的;不同圆心的;不正圆的
- athleticadj. 强壮的;健康的;活跃的;好动的;运动员的;运动的;体育的
- supersonicadj. 超音速的
- patrioticadj. 爱国的;显示爱国精神的;有爱国心的
- ironicadj. 冷嘲的;挖苦的;讥讽的;有讽刺意味的;令人啼笑皆非的
- periodicadj. 间歇的;周期(性)的;时而出现的;元素周期表的;元素化学性能变化周期的;完整句的
- parasiticadj. 寄生的;寄生物感染的;过寄生生活的;插音的;增音的
- civicadj. 城镇的;市政的;市府的;市民的;本镇居民的;当地居民的
- antagonisticadj. 有对立情绪的;对抗的;敌对的;敌意的;拮抗物(或拮抗作用)的
- atmosphericadj. 大气的;有浪漫氛围的
- publicadj. 公众的;公共的;与公众有关的;公开做的;公开的;存在于众人面前的;大学的;为大学的;公用的;为公众服务的
- tropicn. 回归线
- sophisticatev. 使(人;思想;态度;期望)不再单纯;使老于世故;使(设备、技术等)更复杂先进;讲话;通过诡辩误导
- democraticadj. 民主的;民主党的;大众的;倡导民主的;主张平等的
- electronicadj. 电子的;电子 的;电子计算机的;用电子计算机实现的;用电子乐器演奏的;电子学的
- concentricadj. 同中心的;同轴的
- idealisticadj. 理想主义的;空想家的;唯心论的;唯心主义的
- psychicadj. 通灵的;超自然的;灵魂的;精神的;心理的;心理叫牌;有心灵感应的
- organicadj. 生物体的;有机体的;身体器官的;构成整体所必需的;不可分割的;有机的;持续发展的;自然发展的;有机物质的
- metabolicadj. 新陈代谢的;变化的
- chauvinisticadj. 沙文主义的;盲目的爱国心的;盲目爱国的
- historicadj. 历史上著名的;历史上重大的;历史性的;历史的;过去的
- mythicadj. 神话的;神话般的;虚构的;夸张的;被理想化 的;被神话化了的;杜撰出来的
- alcoholicadj. 酒精的;酗酒的;饮酒过度产生的
- electricadj. 电的;电动的;充电的;能发电的;令人兴奋的;紧张刺激的;电子扩音的;电声的
- metamorphicadj. 变质的;变形的;变态的;变质作用的;变质岩的
- automaticadj. 自动的;自然而然的;不经思索的;理所当然的;自动(变速)的;无可争议的;自动(执行)的
- demographicadj. 人口结构的;人口统计的
- allergicadj. 过敏的;过敏 的;对…过敏的;极不喜欢的;厌恶的
- heliocentricadj. 以太阳为中心的;以太阳为中心测量(或考虑)的
- acrobaticadj. 杂技表演的;有关(擅长)杂技的
- chondriticadj. 球粒状陨石的
- fantasticadj. 想像出来的;怪诞的;不现实的;异想天开的;了不起的;绝妙的;极好的;惊人的;荒诞的;大得(或多得)难以置信的
- logicn. 逻辑;逻 辑推理;逻辑操作;逻辑学;原理;符合逻辑;论理学;必然联系;推理
- economicadj. 经济学的;经济的;经济上的;节约的;有利可图的;有收益的;有赢利的;省俭的;与经济相关的