Some made use of their talents by singing and dancing in parks or shopping malls.
"From Corsica," he went on, "I made use of a ship that was taking wine to the mainland."
To improve his ability of speech, he has made use of each chance.
Every minute should be made use of to learn English in our class.
Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became reluctant to admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.
Our ancestors merely made use of their hands to change nature.
《新英汉大辞典》As the dog sprang on me, I made use of its momentum to press it down and hold it there.
《新英汉大辞典》Have you made use of them?
But their identities were certainly made use of.
We made use of our office's only usability expert.
Working hard, our talents can be fully made use of and well cultivated.
In these conditions, traditional Yakut food always made use of whatever it could.
Seven inaugural speeches did not contain the word; six more made use of it just once.
That insight was made use of by a succession of artists, from Auguste Rodin to Francis Bacon.
To put it to the test, Dr Christakis and his team made use of two unusual sets of demographic data.
Add to that a list of your accomplishments and how each achievement made use of those skills and talents.
One tool I've long made use of to nab the odd file from my Linux partition when Windows-bound is' ext2explore '.
我用的比较久的一个可以在Windows系统中读取Linux分区内容的工具叫' ext2explore '。
She made use of one part of it to marry her sister Anne to a young gentleman who had loved her a long while;
Here we can see how the architect as made use of a single material, testing its possibilities and confinements.
GRAIL is closely based on a similar Earth-gravity mapping mission called Grace, which also made use of a Lagrange Point.
In many cases you made use of default conventions to further reduce the amount of code needed to create your web application.
很多情况下,可以直接使用默认的惯例设置进一步减少 web 应用程序中的代码量。
As an alternative, you could have made use of the WS-Addressing specification's action SOAP header to specify the activity.
另一种方法,您可以使用WS - Addressing规范中的动作SOAP报头来指定操作。
As I got into my research, I saw that those who were really effective made use of not just a "to-do" list but a "stop-doing" list.
At the beginning of this article I promised you that BEEP made use of XML, and by this point you'd be forgiven for wondering where.
I never made use of any objects to represent those entities, however - I just used Amazon's raw API to persist the properties of both.
He found that producing p-type gallium nitride, which made use of ammonia at high temperatures, trapped hydrogen atoms inside the crystal.
Until now the industry has frequently made use of source code analysis after the checkin process during the system building phase of a project.
Unless they're made use of right away, however, quite a few white-collar workers will leave their certificates in an unknown corner and forget them.