COBRA: The top dogs are in panic.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
People faver underdogs but follow only top dogs.
And now that they think they are top dogs they are even worse.
Here are just a few more of the top dogs and first movers he's uncovered recently.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
"For us it's unusual to accept that they're top dogs in terms of media attention," he said.
All this takes money and energy but then top dogs usually have large quantities of both of those, too.
So you can see why David and his Rule Breakers teamwork around the clock to find companies that are both top dogs and first movers.
所以你可以明白为什么大卫和他敢于打破常规的团队在 昼夜不停地寻找
COBRA: the top dogs are in panic. The middle management is not in panic because they haven't realized what is going on on the planet.
Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it’s here where college students can be top dogs.
Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it' s here where college students can be top dogs.
"I don't think a lot of athletes realize how much people are watching them," Patterson said. "people look at us as the top dogs on campus."
The inconvenience of continual pestering, especially for Columbia’s “top dogs, ” as Foner describes them, often trickles down to professors’ families.
"It's been unusual for us to accept that they [City] are top dogs in terms of media attention but, you know, sometimes you have a noisy neighbour and you have to live with it," Ferguson said.
Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns. Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.
Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.
What dogs do know, said Professor Coren, is their position within their social group, whether they are at the top or the bottom of their pack.
Top of the list came questions, followed by permissions and information giving. It seems these dogs are regular little Lassies.
website for which reprints of ‘dogs playing poker’ is one of its top sellers.
Belgium is the top spot for dogs as they are treated as well as humans and considered family members. Dogs are allowed on trains and in shops and restaurants.
The cake itself, the pink frosting on top of it, and the hot dogs were made in America.
This is a well-known American experts in domesticated dogs are not listed in the top ten reasons to support Labrador, sentence truth.
Just because parents are not top winning dogs or not in the national ranking, is it a bad pedigree?
My family (dogs and goats included) and I would spend weekends exploring the almost surreally beautiful landscape, eating lunch in a grassy field located near the top.