The management announced that they would give a raise to all employees.
In one morning, a young functionary decided to ask his boss to give a raise to him.
If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.
They will give a concert to raise for charity.
Just shy of 50, she says she'd never have wanted to do what her mother did—give up a career to raise a family.
Elephants give new meaning to the phrase: it takes a village to raise a child.
Taking on that new project at work might give you the confidence to ask for a raise, chase a promotion or even change careers.
Martha: If he decides to stay, maybe you should give him a raise.
It has raised your health insurance premiums and left your employer with less money to give you a decent raise.
A: After ten weeks of ignoring us, the boss finally said he'd give us both a raise.
If I had a million dollars, I'd give everyone on the staff a raise.
Based on your contribution, I would like to give you a pay raise.
A new Facebook craze is sweeping the social networking site, where woman give details of their bra colour, to help raise awareness for breast cancer.
Faced with this confrontation, if the request is reasonable, you might investigate the situation. You might even give the employee a raise.
I’m only in the stock market to raise money to open more stores and to give our employees a stake in the company.
I wish my boss would give me a raise, but honestly I just hope he would treat me fairly.
I know that I can love, raise a family and give birth to a healthy baby.
Males don't help the female build a nest, incubate the eggs, or raise the chicks-all they give her are their genes. The females are thus very choosy about which male they pick.
If you don't give me a raise, I will quit.
We're not sure what that is for except perhaps to give the developers a bit for the work they are doing to raise awareness.
For that, I give it my highest recommendation, and raise a glass to Mr William Makepeace Thackeray.
The fourth and fifth couples started to raise the price with one saying "how about give you two grands more and we call it a deal." You don't need to show it to other people!
To give you some examples, consider a single mother who's been struggling to raise her children and doing it all alone in every sense of the word, what would make her day on mother's day?
I'm not getting rich, but I will be able to give myself a raise next month as planned.
What makes you think we should give you a raise?
你为什么认为我们应该给你加薪呢? ?
This is clever, in that it would spare Republicans from voting to raise the debt ceiling (and indeed give them three opportunities to vote against it) while sparing America a default.
(读着还是别扭。。。 不太理解)这是一个明智的决定,因为可以在美国不违约的情况下不让共和党投票提高债务上限(的确,这样会给他们提供三次投反对票的机会)。