Furthermore, our customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that they most value Dura-Socks' stylish appearance and availability in many colors.
此外,在我们最大的市场——美国东北部城市进行调查的客户表示,他们最看重 Dura-Socks 时尚的外观和多种颜色的可用性。
We have always advertised our use of the Endure process, but the new study shows that despite our socks' durability, our average customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months.
我们一直在宣传 Endure 的生产过程,但最新研究表明,尽管我们的袜子具有耐久性,但我们的普通客户实际上还是要每三个月购买一次新的 Dura-Socks。
The dura is just the bag.
The epidural space surrounds the dura.
Arachnoid ligaments fixed nerve root inside dura.
Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right.
The ophthalmic artery was located on the inferior wall of dura.
But the dura is just the nuisance that gets in the way of getting to the brain.
So it's very important to find a suitable material to repaire the defected dura.
Placing an implant between the skull and the dura may make neural implants less dangerous.
Each cord specimen was tested in 3 states: with dura and CSF, with dura only, and without dura.
They are arteriovenous shunts located in the dura that usually involve large dural venous sinuses.
It was found that the waveform of ABRs recorded from the right dura was different from the left one.
The dura is the sac around the nerve roots that contains cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord and nerves.
OBJECTIVE To study the prevention effect of sodium hyaluronate(SH) powder on post-operative dura adhesion.
Conclusions: The reformed incise method may be valuable to prevent or alleviate adhesion in front of dura sac.
To complete the surgery, the hole in the dura must be completely sealed to prevent leaking of cerebrospinal fluid.
These findings suggest that Dura-Sock can increase its profits by discontinuing its use of the Endure manufacturing process.
这些事实说明Dura - Sock可以通过停止使用“ Endure ”生产方式来增加盈利。
The products are used now to generate artificial skin, dura grafts, tendon repair, nerve repair, bone repair and a few other areas.
The dura has been reflected above to reveal the bridging veins that extend across to the superior aspect of the cerebral hemispheres.
Study Design. A biomechanical study using ex vivo bovine spinal cord and dura, and a synthetic surrogate spinal cord with bovine dura.
Guided by a computerized mapping system and an endoscope, surgeons drill small holes in a bone at the back of the nose and through the dura.
Objective to investigate the clinical effection of relaxation sutured dura used in decompressive craniotomy of severe traumatic head injury.
Meningeal hemangiopericytoma (HPC) and mesenchymal chondrosarcoma are aggressive neoplasms with a propensity to involve the meninges and dura.
If you are leaking, your best possible outcome is you have a really bad headache, kind of like you have a spinal tap or other piercing of the dura.
dura mater