The objective was to reduce the time and effort needed to obtain access to essential goods and services through an improved rural transport system.
Contact your network administrator to obtain access to the data.
To obtain access to (goods or information), usually by technological means.
In advance of a test or exam, a student will not knowingly obtain access to the exam questions.
Internal query processor Error: The query processor could not obtain access to a required interface.
Is it difficult for any person handling cash to obtain access to customers' ledgers and monthly statements?
Such knockers as Amy Anderssen's are few and fat between, and not every man of mould can obtain access to them!
When an AFS client tries to access AFS space, it may need to provide the token data to obtain access to the data it is requesting.
The Client is obligated to keep passwords secret and ensure that third parties do not obtain access to the trading facilities.
The thin client user contacts the connection broker to obtain access to the appropriate desktop operating system (see figure 2).
Enterprise beans obtain access to external resources by requesting resource manager connection factories from the EJB container.
We do not require this information to obtain access to any part of our public site but do require it if you wish to place an order.
To obtain access, the user requests access to a specific application, including specific roles or access levels, based on the user's needs.
His lawyers are trying to obtain access to the administrator's home computer to establish whether she downloaded any of the pictures.
The mobile sales team can then obtain access to data and information relating to inventory, pricing, competition and customer-specific profiles.
There is no need to lift the shaft, or obtain access to the shaft ends, therefore expensive and awkward to handle lifting equipment is not required.
If the request relates to a locally exported file system, a local access routine is invoked to obtain access permissions to the locally exported file system.
This will help a handler obtain access to container-specific value-added features, including authentication mechanisms, transaction processing, a logging framework, etc.
If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, please remember to close your browser to prevent others to see such information or to obtain access to your account.
If your team environment supports floating license enforcement, you can enable floating licenses for your product and configure a connection to obtain access to floating license keys.
In general, to obtain access to a drug that is in testing but has not yet been approved, a patient must meet the entrance criteria and volunteer to participate in a clinical study of the drug.
How do I access the event when I want to obtain more information?
It will also provide an opportunity to discuss where to obtain information on access to medicines, their prices and their availability.
You can obtain the statistics from the table descriptor of the table node in the underlying access path graph.
If you want the opportunity to interact with the access path diagrams yourself, they are included in a sample project file that you can obtain from the download section of this article.
Also, each Home instance is cached once found, so that subsequent lookups will obtain it from the cache, and this cache access is protected with a synchronized block.
During the client's service invocation, the UDDI registry is queried to obtain the access point (URL) of the service.
These datasets will undoubtedly provide the researchers access to information that would otherwise be very difficult or expensive to obtain.