The tasters generally taste tea with milk, since that is how the majority of British people drink their tea.
The tasters are coming up with a tea with an Oriental flavour.
Just check this list, tested by a bunch of tough-to-please tasters.
Yet another study has tasters rate cheese eaten with two different wines.
Tasters evaluate the bidis for the markets, and often sample up to 100 a day.
A man enters a bakery with a loaf of bread, "I bought this bread here, and it tasters bad." "What!"
So they doctored the wine with a substance that binds iron, keeping it away from the tasters' tongues.
And the sensitive subjects thought the meat smelled and tasted much worse than did the insensitive tasters.
The tasters rated the cheese they ate with the California wine as being better quality, and they ate more of it.
Each team's three tasters sniff, swirl, spit, confer; one puts his face in his hands, searching for inspiration.
ABSTRACT: After three decades of wine tasting, Andrew Jefford passes on some of what he has learned to young wine tasters.
Generally, when participating in non-blind taste tests the tasters have decided which water they like better before tasting.
Similarly, the experimenters put cheap wine in the expensive bottles - but this time they put the tasters in a brain scanner.
Sometimes they offered six varieties of jam, at other times 24; jam tasters were then offered a voucher to buy jam at a discount.
This panel of trained tasters evaluates oils from all over the world to provide guidance to California's young olive-oil industry.
A third experiment was described to participants as a taste test: their task was to decide how much hot sauce to give to other tasters.
Expert wine-tasters insist that a vintage labeled as expensive tastes better than one labeled as cheap—even though the wines are identical.
At the Xianheng, a waitress cut the cheeses into pieces, and the assembled tasters began to pick them up with their chopsticks, sniffing and tasting.
Today, 30% of SABMiller's 1,000 advanced-level tasters are female , Mr. Axcell says. The number of women tasters has roughly quadrupled in 10 years.
While a panel of expert tasters found that the non-organically grown tomatoes had a stronger tomato flavour and were slightly sweeter than the organic samples.
The Misconception: Wine is a complicated elixir, full of subtle flavors only an expert can truly distinguish, and experienced tasters are impervious to deception.
Chinese fermented beancurd, an intense-tasting relish, had always reminded me of a ripe blue cheese, but the Shaoxing tasters, faced with a Stichelton, disagreed.
Thirty professional food tasters conducted a series of experiments on the ground and in the air and found the sense of bitterness in food was heightened at altitude.
The newly-appointed chef cooks superb cuisine to match different kinds of red wine, and professional wine-tasters are invited to introduce the new Beaujolais Nouveau.
The bidding was 33% higher when tasters could only see the bottle than it was with blind tasting, implying that the champagne's taste detracted from its perceived value.
Wine tasters will mention all sorts of things they can taste in a fine wine as if they were a human spectrograph with the ability to sense the molecular makeup of their beverage.
There was a time when it was believed precious metals would turn black when in contact with certain poisons. Japan's royalty may have lost some of its food tasters to this myth.
Cooperation with the well-known wine tasters and the wine breeders is the guarantee of a perfect crystal glass design, which also has been proved as an effective method fro years.
“The product must be the same everywhere,” wrote a Heineken chairman recently. “To ensure quality, every 14 days our breweries send samples to professional tasters in the Netherlands.”