At the same time, however, some of these applications threaten to unleash forces over which we have no control.
In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life and give others the power to impose punishment that you have no control over.
Managers could use their knowledge of each employee to personalise the rewards over which they have control.
The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of online services have over data and give more to those who supply them.
If you know these things about online news, and can use them in your everyday life, then you have the control over what to read and what to believe.
Aliases and converters enable you to have complete control over the XML that is generated.
Visitors want to have control over everything what happens in their browser. If they'd like to open a link in a new window they will.
The noise is something we all need to have power and control over because without doing so makes us all slaves to its message.
Unfortunately, it is sometimes desirable to have more control over a transaction than simply rolling back every change in the current transaction.
People like to use effective processes, and they also like to have control over their own environment.
It enables you to have more control over your moods and states of mind, and therefore enjoy inner balance, harmony and peace.
"That's been a shift for me over the years, that you don't have to have control over everything, that you can involve people internally and customers," Campbell says.
"The chimpanzees are violent because they want power, they try to have control and power over others while bonobos are using violence to prevent one for dominating them," Hare continued.
Too many people are anxious, stressed, worry too much, subject to moods and have no control over their thoughts and feelings.
But first the rebels will have to consolidate control over the country.
For example, women have lower status in families, communities and society: They have less access to and control over resources and they have less of a say in decision-making than men.
Even though this approach takes manual programming out of UI development, programmers don't have to sacrifice control over the resulting code.
The ability to have ultimate control over the design process means that they can ensure that the strategic objectives are achieved or at least maintained.
Note that I've chosen to have explicit control over how my JSON document looks.
请注意我已经选择要明确地控制我的 JSON 文档的样子。
This allows a page designer to have more control over the layout of application widgets.
People need to have complete control over what's private and what's public, and they need more ways to let us know how we're doing in this regard.
Web sites that generate only static pages are able to have full control over how the browser user interprets these pages.
LDAP makes it easy to store sensitive data and have finer control over the data and ways to access it and by whom.
Of course, when a development team maintains a large repository, it is necessary to have a control over commit and merge operations within projects.
You're going to have to work with that if you have no control over the endpoint.
This allows the server — Geronimo — to have control over the thread management and work distribution for a compliant RA.
Clear the create a portlet checkbox. You will create your portlets separately in order to have better control over portlet naming conventions.
清除Create a portlet这个选项,你将可以单独创建portlet以便可以通过portlet的命名规则来更好地进行控制。
The diagram Settings function in the menu bar of the process editor enables you to have greater control over the look and feel of the diagram.
流程编辑器菜单栏中的Diagram Settings功能使您可以对流程图外观拥有更强的控制。
Voice of the Faithful, which was formed in 2002 and now claims 35,000 members, wants parishioners to have more control over church affairs, although not over doctrine.
Voice of the Faithful, which was formed in 2002 and now claims 35, 000 members, wants parishioners to have more control over church affairs, although not over doctrine.