Is this the freedom we have been lauding?
A miracle for from the address starting drive lauding.
I could't help lauding the God's benefaction of salvation.
Bush had been lauding the conclusion of a security pact with Iraq as journalists looked on.
Within hours, some 20,000 people had signed up to Facebook groups lauding Mr Tartaglia as a hero.
So it's interesting to see Jeff Bercovici and Jon Fine lauding impressive growth at the WSJ and the FT respectively.
As part of the case, Heard and Depp released a video that was played in court, lauding Australia's biosecurity rules.
Factories implement a top quality management (TQM), lauding do a good job for the first time, taking precautions first for the quality of ideas!
Factories implement a top quality management (TQM), lauding "do a good job for the first time, taking precautions first" for the quality of ideas!
Today is my first day learning the guitar, and bought a new guitar, with just the guitar, but I love it lauding it to the skies for fear it what Kepeng.
Guus Hiddink made Dzagoev Russia’s youngest-ever outfield player in 2008, lauding him as “a really clever player with the ability to make a killer pass and stretch the play”.
S. pulled out of Vietnam three decades ago, would anyone have imagined a Morgan Stanley ad on page one of The Wall Street Journal lauding Vietnam as a promising market for luxury goods?
三十年前美国从越南撤军之时,哪会有人想到摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)有朝一日会在《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)头版上刊登广告,说越南是前景大好的奢侈品市场?
In recent years, foreign reporting of the country has often gone too far the other way, lauding India's economic growth with only occasional easy-to-spot regard to the country's manifold problems.