Most insects living in these areas have small abdomens.
Fireflies have dedicated light organs that are located under their abdomens.
Peptic ulcer perforation is the one of surgical abdomens, with high incidence and mortality rate.
Black widows are notorious spiders identified by the colored, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens.
The record had reported 61 patients with elderly above digestive ulcer, they had no typical hunger pains in their above abdomens.
But they glow red under ultraviolet light, and the dogs' nails and abdomens, which have thin skins, look red even to the naked eye.
In contrast, the mice without the GCN2 kinase kept a steady liver mass and lost only 69 percent of the adipose tissue on their abdomens.
Females During Breeding Season: Behavioral Changes - Many females will exhibit a much decreased appetite as their abdomens fill with eggs.
But bites alone are not enough for the ants to achieve their ends. They lift their abdomens and inject formic acid into the crippled plant's wounds.
But bites alone are not enough for the ants to achieve their ends. They lift their 17 abdomens and inject 18 formic acid into the crippled plant's wounds.
The discovery supports a hypothesis that ancient spiders first evolved to produce silk from their feet before changing to the modern configuration of producing it in their abdomens.
Children with marasmus are simply emaciated. The abdomens of those with kwashiorkor, however, distend in a way that is distressingly familiar from televised appeals for famine relief.