Monitor crime-related data in Atlanta, ga.
Tools for visually configuring JPA-related data.
The data instance is serialized as multipart related data.
This displays all the transaction related data as shown in Figure 8.
In this case, you can immediately see related data in a nested table.
To organize related data close together to minimize disk access times.
The manifest file defines the extension- and package-related data.
这个 manifest 文件定义了与扩展和包相关的数据。
Virtual machines may travel easily, but the related data is much harder to move.
In such cases, you will want related data to be located as close together as possible.
Processes with a lot of activities and related data require smaller transaction slices.
The access definition specifies a set of related data and metadata for Optim to process.
This does not mean you cannot retrieve a set of related data from a CouchDB database.
Some years ago, I worked for a client that generated a broad range of sports-related data feeds.
Use the metadata in the constraint XML Schemas to "look up" related data from a metadata registry.
使用约束XML Schema中的元数据在元数据登记系统中“查询”相关数据。
Each row in the table stores a set of related data and the data stored in a row is called a record.
The LocationDataService class is a data provider to retrieve location-related data from the database.
The LocationFormDataProvider class provides the location-related data for the specified zip code value.
LocationFormDataProvider 类提供了位置相关数据来获得特定的邮政编码值。
We'll describe each of the major TCF components, explaining its role, function, and related data values.
The Informix TimeSeries DataBlade was designed to help Informix users better handle time-related data.
Informix TimeSeries DataBlade设计用于帮助Informix用户更好地处理与时间相关的数据。
IN this case the item price, name, data and the stock-related data are not part of the ORDER_LINE table.
This is a common situation: related data needs to be collected together, but has no inherent or meaningful order.
Basically, it provides the linkage between the process and the related data when services or human tasks are invoked.
IXRetail and ARTS staff have expended much effort on converting data dictionaries and related data Model specifications.
Data locality model should optimize for keeping "related data" in physical proximity to ensure analysis is efficient.
The application demonstrates how to perform basic record operations such as (insert, update, delete) on sales-related data.
这个应用程序演示如何在销售相关数据上执行基本记录操作(比如 insert、update、delete)。
The goal of indexing is to record all the named elements in the project's source code and store them with their related data.
The Data Abstract Layer consists of a single class to provide location-related data to the business layer (see Figure 3).
数据抽象层包含一个类,用于向业务层提供关于位置的信息(请参见图 3)。
A dashboard of related data doesn't make sense at this point because the values of the record are incomplete or being created.
The data factory allows us to create data objects, but also each data object created has an API to create related data objects.