Toss a fig and, save the date and, bread and butter, chant and mutter.
Today, I got an email from my cousin to "save the date" for her baby shower.
Our phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from well-meaning relatives and friends who want to “save the date” for our wedding once it’s legal.
There is, to date, only the flimsiest of publicly-funded health care and pension systems, which increases incentives for individuals to save while they are working.
The controls provide good flexibility: You can set a blog entry to be published immediately or on a future date or save it as a draft.
If, at a later date, you decide to change the size of your game window (and you very well might), being able to change the value in this one spot will save you time twice.
Grimes, however, agrees that the production rates are still quite low - "to date we are not going to save mankind", he says.
All in all, not the Labs' most impressive offering to date; nevertheless, it'll save us all a cut-and-paste to a free online translator.
This approach began in the 1970s with Save the Tiger, Save the Panda, Save the Whale, and so on, and it is now out of date.
At this time, we also get the current date and time, generate the guid, and save the IP address from which the item was entered.
From wedding websites to save-the-date CARDS, these tools simplify wedding planning, letting you focus your time on the fun things-like tasting cakes!
This document is up to date. If you have unsaved changes, you must save the document before you can update the workspace copy.
The measuring software also has other functions such as save, print, date analyses.
In the short date and time, she by a delicate girl, changes, becomes the shoulder to save the common people mission the earth goddess!
Do not do things that save to the cut-off date.
No; you're going to have to correct the date manually, based on the previous file save date, or whatever other data you can resurrect.
Hydraulic circuit controlled by proportional valve. The clamping and injection stroke are controlled by potentiometer. Microprocessor can save up to 46 sets of mould date.