Why the hurry to pass a bill?
Well, I have one answer for that: Pass a bill.
Congress is expected to pass a bill to cut taxes.
But it can pass a bill denying future funding after three months.
They will still need at least one Republican vote in the Senate to pass a bill.
She had fought for years trying to pass a bill to protect women against domestic violence.
Confidence has also been rattled by plans to pass a bill letting unions organise without a secret ballot.
Following years of lobbying by bricks-and-mortar stores, the US Senate is expected today to pass a bill that would help end tax-free online shopping.
The only state to pass a bill requiring the vaccine for school entry is Virginia; it takes effect in October, after school begins, so will first apply in 2009.
And I've called on Congress to pass a bill that would provide critical funds and tools to respond to this spill and better prepare us to confront any future spills.
That's why I urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges, which are a career pathway to the children of so many working families.
Because this is a new bill, the Senate has to pass it too.
This has nothing to do with reducing carbon emissions, but it might help a bill that does contain carbon caps to pass.
Southern supporters were afraid that if a statehood bill for California was passed first, then northerners would refuse to pass the other parts of the compromise.
The January data will increase the pressure on the Senate to pass a jobs bill.
We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews - now sitting idle - can head back to the worksite, rebuilding roads, Bridges, and airports.
White House efforts to pass a big jobs bill have been stymied.
Meanwhile, Washington, D. C. — where Congress is debating over whether to pass a climate bill — is getting a memorable preview of what new computer models are predicting.
From the oilspill in the Gulf of Mexico to the U.S. failure to pass a climate bill to the toxic sludge in Hungary,most of the environmental news of 2010 was discouraging, if not horrifying.
Unless concessions are made to backbenchers, Mr Brown must rely on Conservative support to pass his legislation on the postal service—a fate almost as damaging as seeing the bill fail altogether.
A year after the 1992 treaty, President Bill Clinton tried to pass an energy tax that would have helped the US to begin reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.
Pass this jobs bill, and the typical workingfamily will get a $1, 500 tax cut next year.
Little wonder that Exelon supported the bill enthusiastically: management sees a billion-dollar annual boost in earnings should it pass.
If the bill were to pass, it would then need to be reconciled with a version recently passed by the House, before Barac Obama could sign it. Seearticle.
The gamut of committees that the bill must pass in the Senate may yet save it, though probably at a hefty price.
"I can announce that after more than a decade, this bill is set to pass and I will sign it into law," he said.