A particular animal typically maintains its own characteristic cycle duration with great precision for many days.
So to create useful interactions with users with a duration of longer than a single request-response cycle, session state must be maintained somewhere.
For the duration of its cycle, though, this deep-sea carbon is locked away.
Database connection needs to be maintained for the duration of the multiple query cycle else a lazy loading exception is thrown, resulting in inadequate use of resources.
The 13 minutes consist of a repeating cycle of bursts several seconds in duration where the entire server is occupied at 100% utilization.
The traps will also be placed on the duration you need to choose the right skills to create a good cycle, so focus on the value at the same time try to avoid too low.
The plan for the soul was a cycle of experience, unlimited in scope and duration, in which the new individual would come to know creation in all its aspects, at the discretion of will.
NOTE The duration of the test may consist of more than one cycle of operation.
The continuous character of this model justifies the expressions' cyclical fluctuations' and 'business cycle' although the movements have neither constant duration nor constant length.
Cash Conversion Cycle The duration between the sale of a firm's inventory and the collection of accounts receivable for the sale of that inventory.
This allows the measurement of speed, frequency, duration and duty cycle, all valuable data points for analyzing a variety of electrical woes.
The effects of PSA cycle, rinse-ratio and adsorption duration on the performance of adsorption processes were investigated.
The interval duration of mastication of linear occlusal dentures was shorter than that of anatomic occlusal dentures in the mastication movement cycle( P< 0.05 ).
Over 30% hens presented typical broodiness, and the duration of each broody cycle was about 29 days.
This may be ensured by repeating each phase step for a period extending the mean duration of the cardiac cycle and causing a corresponding extension in the acquisition time.